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Tam O'Void

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About Tam O'Void

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hillbilly Heaven
  • Interests
    Likes the Crow of the Rooster
    The Baying of a Wee Dog
    The Cry of the Hounds
    The Roar of the Deer
    and Howlin' at the Moon

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  1. Last day for the Shoot,Sat..over 50 % birds put down shot,been good Season for Woodcock & Snipe,not great for Patridge.And the Ducks well!!!!! Usually go home with a brace,but got Lucky ,Hare instead.... Another season of good company & Craic...Thanks lads...Work party March, then done for another season..plus wee whitedog done good..Time Flys
  2. Profile Visit from Ian B...wonder why I've had the pleasure ? HMMMM !

    1. R.A.W


      time to get banned lol

    2. PIL
  3. My Latest & back to my first Love, Lakies/Fells,but don't call it a Patt...2 x Rough coats ,makes it 1 smoother change of colour,but you have to keep up with the Trends
  4. Good to read about a Day out I got LUCKY today,Phone a friend Helped..someone was struggling with kit & Jawin' Phoned Me to help them out Job done..... + wee white Dog giving me something to smile about These Hounds are the type for a Lucky Fella Specially late sleepers
  5. Fully paid up member of the Nutty Boys,Still got the Flexi disc,christmas gift l.o.l and Sat with Suggs and Chas.at the Apollo gig.. Favourite track.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf9il7eWKeU
  6. Got to Agree there... Terriers all the same Tho ..just different Levels & Type..
  7. Off out to stand in the pissin'sleat in the hope of some Action."ONE of my PASS IT ON DAYS " l.o.l

  8. Tam O'Void

    Dog Beds

    Cost of Infra Red Bulbs & to run them ,Costly...A cheap and Efficient system for Kennels would be Ideal for Recuperating Dogs Save Bringing indoors in front of Fires .Ideal for welping pups also I would think ..
  9. Tam O'Void

    Dog Beds

    Build in Underfloor Heating into a Concrete Based ,power it With Pine Needles (break down,Producing Heat ) been used on Residental Builds p.s. Pm an E-mail. I'll send Pic of You & dogs, turned out O.K.
  10. Better still if you Got Access to a Horse Box ,clean shavings of course
  11. What is your Favourite ....AROMA ... Mines my own Foul brand ...happens to be Black & bourbon pipe baccy.much admired around Dogmen. :laugh: Also fond of OLD Spice
  12. Who's on the big Button tonight !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. paulus


      preffer sausage mate....

    3. Tam O'Void

      Tam O'Void

      That was the Longest Post that chap has ever put on here.Lol.reminded me of his Hero..

    4. paulus



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