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tegater last won the day on July 23 2012

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789 Excellent

About tegater

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Pennines
  • Interests
    (age 49)Ferretting, trapping, snaring, hunting, rifle work and instruction, whacking corvids and charlie, fly fishing for wild browns.

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  1. Fantastic as usual Kittlerox Great clear winter light.
  2. There is already another thread re this, but why should a "true hunter" need a semi auto 5 shot for pigeons and rabbits? I can sort of understand it for bolting foxes from a rock den when there maybe multiple animals and they are running behind other rocks at speed.
  3. That pal, is the correct answer!It took 5 pages to find someone who posted what i personally would consider the best reply...I have both and regularly use both depending on what i'm doing and where. Snap, so have I, and they are both useful to me depending on what I am doing.but the 22lr is better though
  4. That pal, is the correct answer!It took 5 pages to find someone who posted what i personally would consider the best reply...I have both and regularly use both depending on what i'm doing and where. Snap, so have I, and they are both useful to me depending on what I am doing.
  5. Cracking pictures and great little team you have there!!
  6. If you haven't hit it in 3 It deserves to get away! Saves you going mad peppering loads of geese in a flock.
  7. It's called the Internet Rake and when you feck up good style you ask to get deleted, or banned or your name changed and then everybody forgets. All those that asked to be banned or deleted are straight back on the next day in a different name If they don't like the site then just don't log on again.....simple......they can't keep away tho
  8. Haha Rake you don't know the half of it
  9. OK we agree thank you. I try and write with impartiality but always from experience. I am not a dedicated fox shooter as my role and interests involve many forms of fox and vermin control, but I have no intention to do anything other than assist others. For those that still might doubt what I say, then re-read what I wrote. Thanks Foxdropper and all the best.
  10. Great, more my sort of photo. Tried some yesterday in the streams coming off the moor, but couldn't get the right effect with the compact. (Or my knowledge of the compact anyway )
  11. I wasn't advocating the use of them, I was saying I had shot foxes with them. The point I am making is that if you say that BB's are the only thing you should use, then you are wrong. When I go out lamping I use .243, when on a fox drive, or using the terriers then I use 36gram BB's............but, theatre are loads of times when I have neither and I have used common sense as to range and shot charge and dropped them with a lot less. (And so have loads of others) Yes, some people will injure, but then again some people will with a cf rifle as well. My lad who was 10 at the time, dro
  12. I don't consider myself an expert about anything, and I mean anything, what I am not happy with though is being told there is only one way to do something. There are some very knowledgable members on here who are able to keep an open mind and understand the implications of the advice they give. Deker for me among others, can do that, and I use his name only as an example. As well as looking outside of the box, you also need to look in it as well.
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