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CHRIS TARRENT but we dont want to give you that..........here ya c**t have this

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Harry hill, Not to punch no, to bury up to his neck in sand and kick in the head....... The unfunny b*****d!!!


You're buryin him the wrong way up!


And that Ricky Gervais of whatever he's called......You wouldn't tire!

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As much as I would like to put the boot in to the catholic church, I'm afraid I can't about the war lol


The Vatican and its bishops sided with the Germans . Not for some new found respect for nazi doctrine, but to guarantee they held on to thier own power, and life's in some cases.

Tbh fair though. They were no worse than rest of Europe under occupation ie French, Dutch, Italians ? Belgium and a few more, who worked with the Germans. In fact some could t be more accommodating to the Germans, but I suspect if we were occupied a similar trend would happen here aswell.

Ah but were not talking about certain nationalistic factions here...were talking about the hierachy of one of the worlds largest faiths whos ideoligy is to enlighten and guide its followers about what it preaches about the rights and wrongs in this world,i know you pass yourself off as a well read fella about the nazis and the like and you well might be a sympathiser to its cause...not being derogatory when i say this as that would be your preogative if true and your also entitaled to your opinion but theres a hell of a lot of evidence says your a wee bit off the mark there chief.....if you get the chance read the Vatican's Holocaust

written by a respected author Avro Manhattan,i read it online not so long ago so it shouldnt be too hard to find if you google the author....a solid read that might just enlighten your opinion.


Have you read "Downfall" Gazz another book about the holocaust by a well respected author....a solid read that might just enlighten your opinion...and here's a wee vid to get you in the mood :laugh:

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I agree that you can't blame the average person for not standing against the Nazi's and joining the Nazi youth was hardly a choice. Personally I think silly ad-hominem arguments are the weakest when you consider what could be said about Catholics, the pope and all irrational beliefs. However getting to my first point, you can't blame an average man but surely the pope is supposed to be something special? He is supposed to be the beacon of moral guidance, always doing the right thing regardless of personal costs. There are thousands of examples of ordinary Germans defying the Nazis, helping Jews and refusing to join the Nazi Youth, so if they did why couldn't the Pope? Fear of being caught and killed? What does a man of faith have to fear from death, surely he will go straight to heaven? Surely he is already able to commune God's will too and the death of the Jews was part of his plan? Or perhaps all the Catholics could dress up like pompous, narcissistic old women like they tend to do and could pray for God's aid?


Or to sum up, it is normal for humans to fear death and are extraodinarily gifted at believing what they want to believe, using confirmation bias and many other well studied and factual biases and flawed reasoning to say the world is 6k years old, horses can fly or anything else you can think of. However when you mix this with other human ambitions like power and wanting to feel different and special, you get organised religions full of self-righteous, arrogant and ignorant people f*****g everything up for the rest of us.


So I would like to add to my punhc list, every fundamentalist religious nutjob.


Clearly you havn't thought your arguement through fully have you? The fundamentalist religious nutjob tag fits you perfectly. Try not to hit yourself to hard

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As much as I would like to put the boot in to the catholic church, I'm afraid I can't about the war lol


The Vatican and its bishops sided with the Germans . Not for some new found respect for nazi doctrine, but to guarantee they held on to thier own power, and life's in some cases.

Tbh fair though. They were no worse than rest of Europe under occupation ie French, Dutch, Italians ? Belgium and a few more, who worked with the Germans. In fact some could t be more accommodating to the Germans, but I suspect if we were occupied a similar trend would happen here aswell.

Ah but were not talking about certain nationalistic factions here...were talking about the hierachy of one of the worlds largest faiths whos ideoligy is to enlighten and guide its followers about what it preaches about the rights and wrongs in this world,i know you pass yourself off as a well read fella about the nazis and the like and you well might be a sympathiser to its cause...not being derogatory when i say this as that would be your preogative if true and your also entitaled to your opinion but theres a hell of a lot of evidence says your a wee bit off the mark there chief.....if you get the chance read the Vatican's Holocaust

written by a respected author Avro Manhattan,i read it online not so long ago so it shouldnt be too hard to find if you google the author....a solid read that might just enlighten your opinion.


Have you read "Downfall" Gazz another book about the holocaust by a well respected author....a solid read that might just enlighten your opinion...and here's a wee vid to get you in the mood :laugh:http://youtu.be/i7zw92lSNus

What a catchy tune that is.... :whistling: .i'll be whistling that all day no doubt... :whistling: ........ahhahaahahaahhaahhaahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahhaahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahaahhahaahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahaahahahhaahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahhahahhahhahahahahahahaha.............









ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahhahaahhahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahaahhahaahhahaahhahaahhhahahahahhhah "Keep on Knocking"....aahhaahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhaahhahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha........













"We dont do walking away!!"....ahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Alex Salmond, I'd love to use that fat smug face as a bouncy castle. I'd only tire when Prescott came along .... There isn't a runway in Britain long enough for a run up to kick him in the haw maws

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