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ghosts, any sightings?

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all bollocks the lot of it, what springs to mind is (vivid-imagination) plus a fear of the dark. :yes: The mind is a very powerful thing, we scare our selves very easy, it comes from our (ancestors)cave men the fear of the dark, thats when they were most vunnerable from attack from wild animals. So thats where all started from. :yes: does anybody go lamping on there own :hmm::laugh:


I used to, but now i go with the Ghost of Mohhamid Ali, and no one fucks with me.


he aint dead is he?



f*****g lying b*****d! :o




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Is there any need if you don't like the girl then get on and tell her instead of all the bitchy little comments it makes you look a right cock :thumbdown:

haha he likes to watch me in the shower, I am sure he doesn't mind lol

this started from the dogs acting weird, like random looking in to mid air. Then the weird stuff started happening everytime I am in the house on my own and go for a shower either the shower switches itself off or the extractor fan switches its self on either just as i get out or just before i get out the shower. I originally thought right this is getting weird then when we asked the warden what happened to the last guy who lived here (we knew he had died but didnt know how) without letting on why we were asking she said that he had a heart attack and died in the bathroom.......seriously freeeeeaked out


Maybe its Elvis, he died of a heart attack on the bog. Next time your having a shower sing..... It's 1 for the money.... 2 for the show..... See if he joins in B)

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bend over and wink at him :tongue2:

how do i know I am doing it in the right direction lol

Easy!! If you get a salty splat in the face then turn around............ :whistling:

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Hey, as long as he's not actually DOING anything, is he really a problem? Might be an idea to get someone in to see if they can help him though, I wouldn't want to be stuck in limbo (though he obviously enjoys watching you in the shower! ;) )


Where abouts in the country are you?

there isnt its just spooky, the warden said he was a lovley man, care for his very sick wife for two years before she passed away and wouldnt let a nurse near her as he said i married her to look after her in sickness and health. I am near york mate


hes probably pulling at it, if you get what i mean lmao


I remember reading about that. Guy wouldn't let nurse near his wife. Poor woman only started out with a poison toe.,.... 2 years it took the gangrene to reach her nose..... Sad, they reckon a simple plaster would have saved her too....

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Hey, as long as he's not actually DOING anything, is he really a problem? Might be an idea to get someone in to see if they can help him though, I wouldn't want to be stuck in limbo (though he obviously enjoys watching you in the shower! ;) )


Where abouts in the country are you?

there isnt its just spooky, the warden said he was a lovley man, care for his very sick wife for two years before she passed away and wouldnt let a nurse near her as he said i married her to look after her in sickness and health. I am near york mate


hes probably pulling at it, if you get what i mean lmao


I remember reading about that. Guy wouldn't let nurse near his wife. Poor woman only started out with a poison toe.,.... 2 years it took the gangrene to reach her nose..... Sad, they reckon a simple plaster would have saved her too....

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I stopped at a pub on bodmin moor once, woke bolt upright in the middle of the night, looked at the clock and it was excactly 1am. As I was sat there the television switched on, I reached over got the control and switched it off before putting the remote back on cabinate. I lay back down and the TV switched on again, 3 times it came on and 3 times I switched it off like that before getting up and pulling plug out of wall. As I got back in bed the TV switched on again this time with the sound on full, without being plugged in, it stayed on a few seconds and went off. I put my head under the covers seriously flapping and I heard clear as day someone walk round my bed, proper footsteps, I pulled back the covers and someone kicked the wall right next to my bed, a proper thump from my side of the wall against a brick wall.


I lay down breathed deep tried to keep calm and I could smell cigar smoke, though nothing happened for the rest of the night.

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