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tommy robinson how is he viewed at the moment in britain.what do people think about the way he covers news and current issues.
Saturday 27th an armed man attempted entry to a synagogue outside of San Diego, California. According to eyewitnesses he was armed with an "AR style assault rifle" and 3 people have been injured and one has been confirmed dead. AR15's are illegal in California. The shooter was engaged by the synagogue's armed security which in this case was an off duty border patrol agent. The shooter fled the scene and gave himself up to LE. The narrative of this story began as one of gun control but has quickly shifted to that of a hate crime now that more details have come to light. The article is
It's official. American socialist icon Bernie Sanders has officially declared that he's running for commander in chief in 2020. He's raised around $5.9 million from more than 220,000 donors in the first 24 hours, which has trumped even the Donald at this point. Many of those donors are set up for recurring donations that are set to net $600,000 a month. Last time around there were allegations of hamstringing as despite Bernie's popularity with the American electorate as he conceded to Hillary Clinton despiting winning many of the primaries by a large margin. Looking at Hillary's disastero
Hi, friends! was in Russia on hunting in this year. Used the Agency POWERINHUNT. No problem! I brought home a bear! Tell me, did someone address them?
Quite hard to watch I don’t think I could have sailed away or drove off after watching this without intervening in a lethal way
Hello, I am a university student from Plymouth and I am conducting a research project with the aim of better understanding attitudes towards lynx in the UK, now that a reintroduction is seemingly ever more. I believe that the attitudes of deer stalkers and hunters are important and will provide a valuable contribution to the study. I also believe that it is important that your views are represented as you are a stakeholder group who may be affected by future reintroduction. If you could take the time to complete my survey I would be extremely grateful, it should take around 5 minut
~The UKs only hunting and countryside Podcast and on demand radio show!~ I will start updating this top post with latest show news and deals. This is the only podcast from the U.K. to tackle country issues, hunting, fishing and wildlife management. This is the place to hear debate on the latest issues. We will introduce you to the very people at the forefront of sculpting the landscape we all enjoy. Topics will be wide ranging, from those close to home to international issues half a world away. This one might be good for all the Irish listeners, half price tickets to the Irish Game
Hi, i'm not sure if I should be posting this here... but I need help buying an air rifle, preferably a spring rifle. I have £200 and I just need some advice on good grands and quality air guns, I was thinking of buying a Gamo Whisper IGT but I have been told that gamo isn't a very good quality brand maker. I'd really appreciate some help, thank you.
Whos staying up for the fight tonight Conor Mcgregor vs Chad Mendes if anybody has got good live streams stick them up
the shits hitting the fan.... and about time too
I just clocked my mc afee tingy bop has ran out, Is their any decent internet security trials nocking about? free ones of course
is it safe or can you be scammed? as i never used it before, just wondering as ive seen things on ebay and other sites that i might buy. what is there to look out for?
I'm not going to hijack the mans thread, so I'll start another and more to the point, who doesn't wear a poppy and why ? I was angered the other day when Charlene White, an ITV news reader came out with her reasoning for not wearing one, I think her reasoning was nonsense, but you decide for yourselves I think the fact that she drew attention to the racist and sexist remarks that were aimed at her last year, she won't be wearing one again this year - atte
So some relatively cute faced American teenager has taken a cheesy grinned shot of herself outside of the former concentration camp at Auschwitz. . Caused a bit of controversy in certain places, big deal or no?
OK, so I'm a member of this buy and sell sight and one particular post earlier today caught my attention. . Read something like - Staff free to good home need gone ASAP as it keeps going for my older dog. . Later the lady (girl) advertiser confesses that the dog has also gone for her kid brother (on more than one occasion as far as I can tell) so you got your half dozen "make sure the dog gets a loving home folk, please take to the RSPCA etc. . then I post something like "the dog has gone for another dog and a kid, he should be PTS, simple" I reiterated my point more than once. . now the goin
What's your views on these new viruses that are killing our wild life !! We were having a chat with a few old boys who used to ferret many years ago when rabbits were in every field and our conversation turned to the lack of rabbits now Do you think there's a link between the rabbit virus the new virus that's killing dogs and this new illness / virus that's been making heathy just ferrets die ?
I want to purchase a large gun safe. 20 firearm capacity minimum. I've researched several companies but have not come to a conclusion as to which manufacturer is the best. I am hoping some members could shed light on the subject by offering their own experiences, be it good or bad. I'd love to know which companies should be avoided and which ones you know to be top-notch. I've read countless reviews and every experience seems to be pot luck. Some rave while other have horrible experiences with the same company and same safe. Some arrive damaged or function poorly. Others have h
Sorry gents, I'm talking about the feathered variety. . Mother took a picture of the following bird earlier after it fell out the sky before getting up and flying off, strange I know. . Now, I'm pretty good with our native birds and most of the visitors and migrants too, but I'm not sure what this one is. . Apparently it was the size of a black bird. . So I was thinking it may belong to the thrush family? Apparently not. . Distinguished by the pointed black bill and the black with orang tipped feathers in the wing, been on this for a couple of weeks, someone put me out if my mise
i break up this friday for 2 weeks, me and the gang are heading down and staying at a campsite just outside Helston. i'm after a few tips from anyone with a bit of knowledge of the area, we've done a fair bit of travelling in cornwall over the years and have visited most of the big stuff, lands end, lost gardens, eden, etc.. what i'm after is advice on some stuff that perhaps you dont get a leaflet for. things i like.... decent pubs dog friendly beaches good fishing marks (rocks or harbours), not the most skilled at sea fishing but can get by.. decent skippers for a day out on a boat
- So now what happens now then Oh and I love the tag but you seem to have mis spelt super star
Does anyone on here have any knowlege on wet plucking machines for game? Im in some real shtuck and need some help asap, also does anyone one have a cheap dry plucker the looking to get shot of pay be intrested depending on price and if anyone can help me with my first question Many thanks jack
ok ive got a pair of tay sport muck boots and they are completely knackered after 1 season. im looking for another pair and dont know what to get. im not interested in muck boots as the soles ware down too easily, and ive tried a pair of le chameaus and they were terrible to wear (dont know if they were cheap ones or not though). so i would like your opinion on whats the best pair of wellies and tell us what you have had before and how they're better than others thanks. ATB rob
That was a brilliant day. My friend from Longframlington was up for the weekend and her wee black dog caught a mink in front of the hounds at the side of the bridge. Dont think our anti friends enjoyed their day too much. Can you remember the one that dropped his camcorder and it broke ?. He had the hard neck to accuse me of bumping into him causing it to fall.
When this new trial started I thought that they must be pretty sure they are gonna get a conviction. & they have. The OB reckon they are going to get some more convictions now... Unless these 2 lads grass I cant see it happening.
Not asking anyone for abuse about this lad just your opinion True story on mon morn had to take the dog to the vets .Waiting room full in walks a man in working gear and tells the lass on the counter that he has hit a pheasant with his car and he has it in the boot could the vet look at it as it's in a bad way behind him is a big hairy farmer who just shakes his head and as he court my eye he grinned and rolled his eyes well i had to look away .My turn for the dog to see the nurse.when i come out i put the dog in the truck before i settle my bill .outside in the carpark this lad is leaning on