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About *The*Field*Marshall*

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 22/08/1984

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  1. Well, the locals are happy enough - but the immigrants .. haha I believe in the saying "home is where the heart is" my brother is out in Portland, Oregon - he's always telling me how happy he is with this and that .. yet he's miserable!
  2. OK, so I've followed a method I have seen elsewhere, which was: skin it, salt it overnight, drained it and salted again overnight, now I was expecting to soak in salt water for 4/5 hours before fleshing it out and then tanning it using Liqua Tan, accept the liquid hasn't come through on time .. I'm thinking to press pause (stick in the freezer) until I can finish the process of salt/soaking, fleshing and tanning .. Are there any resident tanning experts to advise me if at all please i.e do I need to stick in the freezer or not - how forgiving a process is this method? Many
  3. My sister has gone all vegan and activist like .. Needless to I'm everything she deplores! They often give it the "it's a healthier diet etc" rubbish, for me it's a philosophy with an agenda .. I usually say "if were not meant to eat meat, why does it taste so good?!?" Ha ha .. Don't get me wrong, I think all animal life should be respected and treated humanely where possible.
  4. Puts to bed the once widespread notion that greyhounds are 'thick' .. Proves that the reputation more likely comes from the dogs lack of socialisation rather than mental ability.
  5. And I've got to say, I do love the "once you die that's it" brigade, my old man use to say that .. Stating it in any form is for me a waste of energy, no one has died, found out there is nothing else and now is living to tell us so! .. Excuse my humour, but to live and die, then cease to exist?!? So, what was all that about!?! Oh no, you wouldn't be conscious - pointless .. I do admit, the thought of living for eternity in this old 'fallen' wreck is not all that appealing, but to live in a redeemed and glorified body, in a world free from sin .. That could be something special .. No wonde
  6. If I could hear in departing "he was a good father/husband/son/brother/friend" I would be content .. Of course, as a Christian - the ultimate goal is to leave in confidence that you have served your Lord and Saviour well, not oneself .. I like the poem: "Two little lines I heard one day, Traveling along life's busy way; Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart; Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last."
  7. Tombstone was a good modern one .. But for the older ones, can't beat a bit of Clint for me, especially 'a few dollars more' .. I had the soundtrack from that as my ring entrance song last bout out haha
  8. The Christmas turkey that didn't defrost in time! Faulty fridge .. I would have preferred a three bird - goose/duck/partridge
  9. I was out the back with my mutts! Trying to calm them with all the fireworks going off nearby .. Happy New Year one and all
  10. I've got two, anymore than that and I don't think they would be worked to a level where I could say "that is a proven dog, week in week out over the 3/4 seasons" even now one is the 'main' player, and the other is more of a sub .. That will alternate as time goes on and the 30 or so months start to tell. Don't plan? Ha I don't think any serious and 'practicing' dog man with a genuine passion for the game could say that .. The only time I'm not 'planning' is when I'm across that field on a dark and windy night .. Other than that I'm always planning, not only for the next, but the 2nd, 3rd g
  11. Loved the responses 'the line was crackling'! ? . . A serious crime, ffs.. Go and deal with some real crime.
  12. As good as job Saunders did, I can't help but feel that Lee totally let himself down. Eubank looked good, but I don't think too much should be made of that, perhaps Spike just suited him perfectly - I wouldn't have him beating Saunders in rematch, I think Saunders is a quite cute fighter and he looks fitter these days, the only last time I felt made it a close fight, running out of steam towards the end.
  13. Certainly doesn't represent the more respectful hunters/poachers amongst us . . Social media, what an invention . . The perfect platform for any old prat to elevate themself.
  14. And not much has been said of the fact that this is the first world title fight fought between two travelers, another interesting ingredient in what is already a spicy battle. No trash talk, good to see.
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