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Everything posted by Welsh_red

  1. Theirs a channell on YouTube "soft white underbelly" and that has loads of interviews with people on skid row . It's heart breaking
  2. I always liked the look of this . Might get myself one
  3. If you can see past the American host this is a great show about the food and hunting/fishing in the Faroe Islands. Puffin , sheep , dolphin , whale , cormerant and various sea food Lots of fermented food etc . We'll worth a watch , also the guy who presents it does loads of videos on weird Asian food that is worth a watch 7
  4. I like their enthusiasm for it . Especially Steve rinella , if you listen to his podcasts he's obsessed with folsom points and this was probably a massive thing for him
  5. Wouldn't it have been great if a few of the crowd got hold of him and gave him a good kicking . Like Brian clough giving a few pitch invaders a clout
  6. Home of hagans . One of the best English breakfasts going
  7. Probably has cost a pretty penny . Although the final sum that will inevitably come out down the line will be filled with pointless spending . Consultants here , risk assessment here etc This sign cost £136,000 apparently. On what I have no idea . Its a metal sign concreted into the ground
  8. Not much hope for llanelli
  9. It will ruin the landscape and I imagine house prices will drop . My mums house will especially . Who wants a massive pylon right next to a house they looming at buying My mum went to one of the meetings with byte energy and had to leave because she was so upset . Seems a bit dramatic I know but they bought the house in early 80s when it was a wreck and my dad rebuilt it all and me and my brother grew up there and its lovely sitting in the garden on a sunny day looking out over the fields and she doesn't want to give that up I reckon decisions and backhanded have been made and noth
  10. I assume it was just a complete repackage of it all to try and sell it more appealingly . The thing about environment and eco was just put in there to appease the masses . Like when u see companies saying " we remain committed to providing a top service and providing you the best quality " when you know they aren't doing any of it
  11. I think the fire beacon bit is just a by product of wanting to change the name . I quire like the idea of it having a Welsh name to be honest. Altho it would be good if they put as much effort into stopping the pylons they have planned from running through my local town and beyond . My parents live in the countryside and their planning on putting the pylon route right past their house
  12. Wouldn't you get away with shooting one if you used the reason that it was walking towards you or being aggressive. Seeing as you didn't expect to see that animal in with wild and they can be dangerous you feared for your safety so shot it I think based on these threads it's best to shoot it as I don't think anyone would want to be arguing for rest of their life about what they saw
  13. I've watched the Paul sykes documentary on YouTube and he seems a massive bullying type . The way he talks to his wife and kids is beyond
  14. I'd love to have seen the invoice then sent explaining what was covered in the 8k
  15. I pay eighty a year for mine . Literally 1 week away from having to renew . I've never had a channell that hasn't worked or anything . I get all of sky's channells , all the American channells , 7,000 movies (lots of new ones) , 3,000 TV series , all the boxing ppvs which is great as most fights end up shit and not worth the money . The bets bit is it shows all the 3pm kick offs from a Saturday so never have to miss a game I want to watch again. Its been a game changer for and my boy watching sports
  16. What do u reckon the blurred out bit is ?
  17. Is this still the paul o grady thread ?
  18. It seems High up In politics and power the ratio of pedophiles is much higher than the general public ( I may be wrong on that it's just the way it seems to me ) What I don't get is why it would be so prolific with them . What is it about them , their upbringing etc that makes them more likely to be like that I've always assumed that people's sexual orientation is generally a born attribute that they have no real control over . I know sons of farmers who were brought up around welsh farms and farming community who are gay so they had no outside factors pushing them in that directio
  19. I reckon Internet has a lot to blame for the nonces . Being able to chat anonymously online must make it easier to find like minded people.
  20. What's the krays picture for ?
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