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Everything posted by Welsh_red

  1. I'm off sea fishing on a boat with a group this month with a group. One of the men is worried he's going to get sea sick because he did once when he was younger . Does anyone have any recommendations of any tablets he can take to help him on the ocean
  2. Lot of gayness in ancient Rome and Greece. Think the Spartans were into it aswell when they travelled .
  3. Think schofield was one of them kids
  4. Wtf is a pokey bum wank ? ?
  5. Difference is that if your gay your not nearly hurting anybody being gay . If your a paedo your taking advantage of young children and ruining their lives
  6. Welsh_red


    Charles Bronson’s ‘son’ says they faked relationship for six years in publicity stunt WWW.GOOGLE.COM ‘Charles Bronson is not my father. I am a PR agent,’ says George Bamby
  7. Welsh_red


    Been denied parole apparently. Doupt he would be able to control himself when out. He would be a minor celebrity imagine him pissed up living next door he'd be a nightmare
  8. After reading all this I think you should seriously consider not saying a word in court .
  9. Sure i read tom jones would wash his knob with mouthwash after sex to stop STDs
  10. I listen to his podcast every week and it never fails to make me incredibly jealous what they have over there . Imagine having acres and acres of land you could explore/hunt/fish/camp without worry about people catching you at it You wouldn't have that shpw over here because we have nobody like steve rinella and a tiny percentage of the opportunities they have . Imagine a episode of meateater uk starting with the host phoning dai the farmer to let him know he was going to shoot some rabbits then stopping at a tree line "we can't go over there because a family from London bought that farmh
  11. If you have listened to the meateater podcast or the bear grease podcast you will recognise his voice . Thought a few of the men with dogs on here might be interested in this
  12. 80% sounds a really really High number
  13. For the ones that are for the immigration whatsbyour thoughts of them being in france before coming here ? Why are we so much more appealing that's its worth risking life on a boat to get here Genuine question that I'm not looking for a argument over. I can see the point of wanting to leave a war torn shithole but when their in France that all joking aside is a very nice country would they then risk life to get here
  14. Gary Lineker calls on MPs to crack down on trophy hunters with animal parts ban - Mirror Online WWW.GOOGLE.COM The BBC presenter has signed a letter from stars backing the Mirror’s campaign to outlaw the... Seriously should be a politician he seems to know how to sort everything out
  15. He's got a fair amount of money , influence and potentially time . If I seen him actually trying to help out these people in their homeland I'd be more inclined to be sympathetic to him . But a casual tweet , having a cherry picked law student regugee live with him is pretty lazy . Have a look what Sadie mane the ex liverpool player is doing to his homeland to see what actual help can be Sadio Mane transforms home village in Senegal as footage shows him opening its new fuel station | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Liverpool star Sadio
  16. I'd would imagine he is loving the attention and praise he is getting off everyone.
  17. I dont think linekar is standing up for what he believes in or taking a stand or any of that . He wrote a controversial tweet like he has done many times before but this time he got suspended for it .
  18. I'd have to ask her exactly what it is . She works caring for people with special needs so i imagine the idea is that they wouldn't want her being on their posting stuff that the parents of the people she cares for could see . If she was on there posting about refugees or Boris etc then some parents might mot like it I think the idea must be just a blanket ban on it all so that nobody causes any problems and no bad press comes from it . If you had a child staying there and you seen a few carers posting support for packham and saying about hunter's being bloodthirsty scum etc you might thi
  19. Well it all depends on how you view your job . Nobody is forced to sign a contract and work for anyone . If you sign a contract that says you can't do something and you do it then you will get a punishment . If I worked for a building company that said no smoking on site at all and I was lighting up on site then I would be I'm shit and I'd have no grounds for argument . I can always go work for another building firm that doesn't have that policy
  20. If its in his contract its in his contract . My Mrs works in care and she isn't allowed to tweet or post on Facebook whatever she wants . She has her views on refugees and keeps it off the Internet. If he wants to voice his opinion then he should quit the BBC where his contract won't allow it . If he feels that strongly about it then maybe he should become a politician aswell .
  21. These shit pictures keep getting circulated in online news sites purely for people to click on to add to the click counter . The larger the click counter the more they can charge for advertising . At least that was how I was explained it . Same as everyone on here if they see a headline like that they click . I reckon 95% + of people that see that picture say its a house cat . The remaining 5% have no idea what they are looking at and go with the article
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