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Everything posted by thebiggerdog

  1. used to make something similar when i was a kid. cut the top 1/3 off a plastic bottle and tape a finger from a rubber glove on the end the cap goes. wasn't a window safe for miles.
  2. A candle light dinner will sort her right out mate.
  3. Think that's an older story lad.?
  4. It's a great day. ??? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-35869071
  5. we can only hope there is a devil too! c**ts
  6. Licking boys heads in there was also that other melt with "memphis"
  7. amazing footage. the flying fish were class too.
  8. drainage is the only way to get rid of rushes im afraid mate, as long as the ground is still wet they will return. there are thousands of seeds in each plant and the can lay dormant in the soil for around 70 years. theres a company in Mayo that does a new type of filtered drainage pipe that works really well in peat/boggy soil. the pipe is more expensive than the normal corrugated pipes but there is no need for any stone with these. so works out about the same price as normal tile drains or a little cheaper. just dig open the trench, put pipe in and close again, really handy. this is t
  9. Train derailed in France, 5 dead. Connected maybe? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34822666
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-34815218 The doors still wide open
  11. bbc saying 18 dead http://www.bbc.co.uk/news god love em.
  12. forgetting narrow water are we? lol
  13. That's what I'd like to know pete and how many unarmed enemy were killed by the other side during the troubles? the 3 people that, that cowardly piece of shit murdered, were not the "enemy" or the IRA or Adams and McGuiness. they were innocent unarmed civilians taking part in a peaceful march for civil rights. the gallows is the only thing that c**ts fit for.
  14. the bitch is 3 and they have been thinking of breeding from her for a couple of years, says it all really. dead cert she will be in pup the next time she comes in too.
  15. El nino year, this year. so weather will be messed up.
  16. getting him checked out by a good boneman might be a good idea, it could be an injury making him yap, trapped nerve, spine out of line etc.
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