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Everything posted by LaraCroft

  1. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle ! (except to open jars, and get rid of spiders, and reach the top shelves )
  2. Lovely looking bitch - in great condition too Not sure she is looking at that bunny with altogether friendly eyes though
  3. Pfffttttt Admit it, you never got over the split of Bros. (Neil Diamond is great, but the Eagles are in a different league ! )
  4. works boring, boards slow Good points but there must be differences between us. Keep meaning to pm you Lara, my memories shocking Yep, some big differences, but I think it is more personality and type, than gender. And a bit of necessity too. There are things I chose not to have a clue about, because I don't need to.
  5. Some of them didn't do themselves any favours did they ! I thought Tim Schmidt came across as a decent bloke though.
  6. Work quiet today Baw I don't think it has anything to do with male/female. I have known some great parents, and some shit ones, and it was a pretty even mix of Mum's and Dad's. Some of the best chefs are male, some of the most organised people I know are male. My sisters's house is immaculate ( with 2 toddlers and a husband who regularly trash it ) yet she has to write everything down, or she just can't remember a thing. I can't be bothered with cleaning, so my house looks empty and "clinical" because the less in it, the less I have to clean Life is too short ! I can cope with any
  7. Freedom, oh freedom, that's just some people talking. Your prison is wandering through this world all alone

    1. PIL


      Sounds like something the Greek would say .lol

    2. paulus


      it on the telly lol

      the Eagles

    3. low plains drifter

      low plains drifter

      Not happy with mouse poaching,you have to poach somebodys words aswell lol

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  8. Working, so I recorded it, and the concert after, and part 1 the day before. Looking forward to watching it this evening.
  9. LaraCroft

    Red Kites

    They re-introduced some near Kettering a while back - feeding stations the works. Was amazing to see them.
  10. I wouldn't be convinced at this stage it was the food - I'd eliminate the other stuff first ( fleas, worms, anal glands and a "one off coming into contact with something out walking" type stuff ) then see what I was left with. If you change everything/ treat everything all at once, and it settles, you won't know what it was in the first place, so you may have changed food for no reason if it was a few fleas, or anal glands. Deal with the quick/easy/likely causes first, then see what is left.
  11. The one I use is Hibiscrub - from any chemist or supermarket - it's on the shelf. The drug is called Chlorhexidine - hibiscrub is a brand. You can buy it as a thick pink gel that you dilute in water and wash the area with, and also as a spray that is already diluted. You can use an antibacterial hand wash soap - just check it doesn't contain alcohol, as that can irritate skin more.
  12. I wouldn't be going to the vet just yet if it was me - try to eliminate the "common" causes and then see how it goes over the next few days or so. If the skin isn't broken or damaged, then using creams can help, but to be honest, the dogs lick them off, and they are messy, so I don't tend to bother. Clean the area a few times a day with something like hibiscrub, or an antibacterial skin wash, rinse well after and leave to dry. It won't hurt giving the flea and worm treatment - if thats the reason, the itching will stop. I wouldn't change diet though just yet ( if at all ). Yes, owners can empt
  13. Good to hear Gaz. Shame you had to go through it, but shows how daft it is all getting.
  14. Yep - used to be a common ( and cheap ) one, and surprisingly effective. We used to worm horses with turpentine !
  15. Anal glands ? If you are washing her with shampoo, check you are washing it all off as base of the tail is a common area for residue to get left, which can irritate the skin. It doesn't sound like a classic food type reaction, but as Sandymere says, this is a bad time of year for environment allergies.
  16. exactly.....the legs of a bull ?.......the brains of a greyhound ?..........the drive of a collie ?.........cancel that pup..lol Too late - I got 2 here.... colour of a collie, brains of a greyhound, weather-coping ability of a whippet...
  17. Depends on which fraction provides the brain, and which the legs.
  18. Agree if you find them already fighting, but what about if the tension is building up over a period of time, would you not recognise the warning signs that things were not going well, and perhaps about to go really pear shaped - then would voice commands / action either stop or avoid an incident ? That's all good thinking you will pick up on the signs, I've seen it kick off with no warning at all with two dogs that lived together for 6-7 years with not so much as a growl at each other, these two would eat their food with the dishes banging against the others without any issues believe me
  19. A lot of dogs struggle with the cereal and filler aspect of dry food - which causes them diarrhoea and gut irritation. If you want to feed dry - then find a brand that you can afford, that has meat as one of the top ingredients, rather than cereal. Alternatively, feed raw, if the pup is showing signs of being intolerant of cereals, this may be the easier option.
  20. I did wonder, but oxygen deprivation is well known to cause animals and people to become "combative" - so I can kinda see where he is coming from.
  21. They are funny - funnier than some of the posts !
  22. I do agree that in that situation, when they are locked on and all hell is breaking loose, that words are not going to be enough - I have the scars to prove that 2 dogs fighting takes more than "ooooh Fido, I am not impressed" to separate them. I was just interested in the body language the dogs display prior to an all out attack, and whether it can be stopped at that point - before it gets out of control. If mine are being daft on a lead, a nudge in the ribs is enough to say " oi, watch it matey" and get them back into line. Sometimes I have to shout - if they get out of control when play
  23. Agree if you find them already fighting, but what about if the tension is building up over a period of time, would you not recognise the warning signs that things were not going well, and perhaps about to go really pear shaped - then would voice commands / action either stop or avoid an incident ?
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