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Everything posted by neems

  1. Ban? No,but I'd like to be able to legally slap it out of their mouth. Same with number 4,no need to ban them,just let me throw eggs at them if I'm stuck behind them while they're going 20 in a 50.
  2. 1. Out of control dogs,especially if they're aggressive. 2. leftists,they're all a bunch of liberal,LGBT,cross dressers 3. Smug Atheists,atheism's dying out across the world because all societies need religion,why so smug? 4. Almost everyone over the age of 70 who gets behind the wheel of a car. 5. Crackheads. 6. fatties who aren't trying to lose any weight or get fit. 7. People who smoke near non-smokers in public. 8. Litterers. 9. Hand wringers who want to ban everything. 10. Single mothers who don't realise the terrible choices they've made to get where they are.
  3. Good point But, there is a fuzzy difference between freedom of speech and incitement. ...... What I don't like about this is the way Islamists can burn poppies and carry placards with obviously confrontational slogans and, not be arrested. Yet, someone like Tommy Robinson isn't allowed to express an opinion on YouTube without receiving police harassment. It's tricky and, it'll take an intelligent response but, we don't have to become scumbags to do it. It's pretty clear cut in my mind tbh,intent and capability make a threat viable. I could threaten to blow up the moon and
  4. All the best to your Mrs,and you and your lads have a good season too.
  5. Why, what is it about that ideology that offends you ?.........is it the nationalism or the socialism ?What I find distasteful is that the nazis were defeated at great cost. Yet, some silly sods, whos grandparents were likely part of that fight, think it ok to go around giving nazi salutes and saying things like 'hitler was right' It's just not British. Is arresting people for having unpopular opinions not un-British? Because as far as I can see that's what this amounts to,and that's the real issue here.
  6. Why, what is it about that ideology that offends you ? 6 trillion dead jews and a load of shrunken heads sound familiar? Ahh, but that was the result of an ultimatum being ignored NOT the actual political ideology I think? I'm talking about the incessant propaganda,not any of the real massacres that happened. Though National socialism is very progressive by nature,the man himself foresaw the extinction of the horse under his rule as it was becoming obsolete. In table talk he said words to the effect of,sadly that'll happen to the Negro too. I think you can sum it up
  7. Why, what is it about that ideology that offends you ? 6 trillion dead jews and a load of shrunken heads sound familiar?
  8. If they're out of workers they might be ok in the right areas.
  9. They may have been labelled a terrorist organisation by the state,but they haven't at any point committed,planned or to my knowledge even condoned any acts of terrorism. That doesn't fit the dictionary definition of the word terrorist. I suppose if you're so loyal to the conservative party that you'll allow them to dictate your use of language,you can call them terrorists.
  10. I'm looking after a load of ant colonies for my cousin for a while,he said they're dead easy,just give them a bit of water and any type of protein and sugar twice a week. One of the colonies must not like tuna cos half of them are dead 2 weeks in,no idea what to do with them except get rid of the dead ones and try something else.
  11. You could do the decent thing and get his phone number,send him a text from time to time and maybe a quick call on holidays?
  12. He just pulls the dog,p***y still attached attached off behind a caravan.
  13. neems


    Have you looked into the supplements they take? B12,Iron and creatine are all things they lack,obviously ask a doctor if they're all safe for you to take. Could help you limit the amount of meat you need. I'd say around % of my animal protein is chicken and fish nowadays and that seems to be working for me along side my medication its all about the balance which is the jist of the thread... I'm not knocking supplements but I prefer the old fashioned way and get what I need from actual food. Yeah but if you ever need to reduce the amount you eat again,it'd be worth looking at the
  14. He wasn't a member,he'd bought a flag (or some other piece of merchandise) off their website and attacked some Asian doctor in a supermarket. Their leader was on a podcast just a few days prior to them being proscribed a terrorist group and said that they intended to copy a Russian movement called 'occupy paedophilia' and that was apparently a step too far.
  15. I didn't like them,they shut down the whole of Liverpool town centre making nationalists look like brainwashed idiots claiming they were going to 'take over' the city,they brought a riot to St.George's hall where there they scrawled swastikas on the walls and there was a lot of damage done by leftist protesters to the building and grounds. But it is a strange coincidence that NA got labelled terrorists almost as soon as they started finding and outing paedophiles.
  16. neems


    Have you looked into the supplements they take? B12,Iron and creatine are all things they lack,obviously ask a doctor if they're all safe for you to take. Could help you limit the amount of meat you need.
  17. National action has no history of initiating any violence,political or otherwise a few mean tweets,flag burnings and small demos was about the limit of their activity. Labelling them terrorists in the first place was a joke. It wouldn't surprise me if they have become more extreme now.
  18. Ziplock or even bin bags work fine,but a submersion bag/dry bag doesn't cost the earth and you're not gonna accidentally tear it. I have a Ferro rod on my keys,again just a few quid but it's a good back up that you don't even have to think about.
  19. you rang rspca??? id be more worried about that than some dumb fox What else can you do?
  20. I think I've seen other pictures of the pies black on top,can't take that personally. Will give 'em a try if/when I go down south next.
  21. Are the pies always burnt?
  22. Do you believe that people had a higher purpose then? After all it's only 100 years ago. I think the vast majority would have been Christians and/or had a strong reverence for enlightenment values,so would have been very susceptible to propaganda in the pre-internet days. They also would have been much more patriotic and concerned for their country. As far as a lot of them were concerned there was a horde of Asiatic huns raping and pillaging in Europe and we were next on their hit list.
  23. Most people I know are nihilists,they live for comfort and the occasional endorphin rush. There's no higher purpose,so there's nothing worth sacrificing for. Evola reckoned this is a phase all societies go through.
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