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Everything posted by kanny

  1. A walnut end grain butchers block today and an encounter with a angry sander
  2. Im Going to have a day or two at Download
  3. Gotta move with the times...
  4. Spatchcock poussin and salad tonight
  5. Start them of in a cold pan/griddle skin side down and bring the temperature up slowly, it give the fat chance to render properly ..then as said in a warm oven for 15.
  6. I said to the Mr's this morning on the way out the door to work , I've had enough of this chit, all the best G'man I'm slightly envious lol
  7. kanny

    The Royals

    Princess Di, I was up late on a mad one lol , watched the whole thing unfold all night , not like I could sleep anyway lol , it was surreal. 9/11 I was at work, it came on the radio the first plane hit and a lot of confusion, you know the rest.
  8. kanny

    pay to go

    The church today is just cows for McDonald's ... Archbishops of Canterbury and York warn against new extremism definition | Justin Welby | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Clerics say Michael Gove’s anti-extremism strategy risks targeting Muslims and may...
  9. The title was loaded tbf
  10. kanny

    The Royals

    I have mixed feelings about them , i like the history and pageantry but I find them difficult to justify in these times, im not a fan of Charlie he seems a right knob, if they must stay then the sooner William and holographic Kate take over the better.
  11. Boeing whistleblower found dead in hotel parking lot just days after... NYPOST.COM "We are saddened by Mr. Barnett’s passing, and our thoughts are with his family and...
  12. Big Mike now Big Mac lol
  13. Hull funeral directors inquiry: Two bailed as ashes recovered WWW.BBC.COM Two bailed in police inquiry into Legacy Independent Funeral Directors in Hull.
  14. Controversy is big money if you get it right ...tell me you haven't paid for the hustlers university? Lol
  15. Skip to 20.30 minutes if you want the prices he was offered...
  16. Yeah but how does he fold towels with no chin?
  17. Andrew Tate and brother Tristan detained in Romania over UK arrest warrant WWW.BBC.COM Andrew Tate and his brother "categorically reject" the sexual offence charges they are...
  18. I use to enjoy a bit of gaming right up to the PS2 era, I woke up one morning and said I'm done with this, sold everything and I've never played since....Guess it's called growing up
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