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Everything posted by kanny

  1. Quit your job Collect some sticks Find a tree Move into it Leave society, be a monkey
  2. I just been and fetched some ox cheeks for the smoker tomorrow, £9 a KG ,will be as good eating as you can get with a bit of time and love
  3. The PM Sunak is to release a statement after 5.30 outside number 10 ....the rumour mill is in full flow Don't think it will be Galloway related, likely to be about protecting democracy from mob rule ....
  4. 2 years for stickers Samuel Melia: Far-right activist jailed after sticker campaign WWW.BBC.COM The judge says Samuel Melia was "peddling the same antisemitism" as the fascists of the 1930s. in other news the PM is releasing a statement outside no10 after 5.30 , no one is quite sure what about but its thought to be about protecting democracy from the mob, laughable i know but we'll just have to see
  5. Apparently around 60% of that 37% was postal votes....
  6. So the good people of Rochdale elected Galloway, a pro putin supporter as their local representative based on his views on the occupation of Gaza 3000 miles away ....someone please explain how this makes any sense George Galloway wins sweeping victory in Rochdale byelection, saying ‘this is for Gaza’ | George Galloway | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Former Labour MP wins almost 40% of vote in contest beset by chaos and controversy – and...
  7. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/immigration-system-statistics-year-ending-december-2023/summary-of-latest-statistics
  8. BREAKING: TV chef Dave Myers, best known as one half of the Hairy Bike TALK.TV TV chef Dave Myers, best known as one half of the Hairy Bikers, has died at the age of 66...
  9. Maybe it was for holding a sheep turnip? .....sorry sorry couldn't help myself
  10. Can't find any slate examples though @dai dogs might be worth finding a collector if its a rare example
  11. Could be I used Google image search also Beautiful Vintage Hand Crafted Welsh Love Spoon, Bell, Diamond, Heart WWW.EBAY.CO.UK Length 20 cm. BELL, WEDDING/WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, DIAMOND...
  12. MI5's current work load is more than three quarters islamist related, when you divide that into population groups.....
  13. Meanwhile..... Drax: UK power station still burning rare forest wood WWW.BBC.COM Owner Drax, which received £6bn in subsidies, continues to burn timber from Canadian...
  14. We had a teacher who would throw a bunch of keys ...he threw them at me and I caught them as cool as a cucumber and launched them back at him hitting right up the jaw and flooring him ...I got suspended
  15. kanny

    Happy days

    Did the jab finish him?
  16. 6 hours to cook for 6 minutes of eating, worth every second
  17. Pic is all I've got for another 3 hours....
  18. The marinade was Soy sauce Worcestershire sauce Garlic Scotch bonnet Ginger Smoked paprika All spice Black pepper Salt Tyme I'm loosely following this video as a guide
  19. Goose egg starter, oxtails on the grill, going to be a good 6 hours
  20. They are indeed godly, and they don't know what they are missing, more for us I suppose
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