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davyt63 last won the day on December 2 2010

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1,845 Excellent


About davyt63

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 17/03/1963

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    in my Man Cave!! Wiltshire.

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  1. Very similar to the SR12 ret buddy for aim points,used that ret for years before the ballistic software came out,and the best ret what worked from Hawke was the SR12
  2. Hi Mark good to hear your on the mend buddy,take care and wish you a speedy recovery
  3. My son had a QB78 DELUXE years ago it was a great little rifle,used on rabbits out to around 25/30yds he loved it.
  4. Hi Mac been a while go cheapest option and change the mag O-ring ,however I have changed the indexing on a hw100 fairly easy to do . if you need a mag O-ring let me know I will post to you regards porno chops
  5. Hi guys its been a while as some of you will know we lost a very good friend last year Darryl Laidler AKA Marksman,I have organised a memorial shoot for him be good place to catch up. https://(!64.56:886/events/s/darryl-laidler-memorial-shoot/446440837752389/? Darryl Laidler Memorial shoot Hi as some of you will know the shooting fraternity lost a very good friend last year Darryl Laidler aka Marksman on most shooting platforms. We will be honouring Darryl on the 21st & 23rd June 2024 at Throckmorton shooting ground. Friday: mee
  6. hi buddy i compete in the dorset & wilts postal league,6 meter diopter shooting,i use a FWB 300s very good accurate rifle for its age.
  7. what's not to like 420 + shots sub 12 uk,reg set at 75 bar , 200bar fill shot down to 75bar all over 11ftlbs ,using JSB Heavies 10.34gr took a bit of fine tuning but got there in the end ,nice compact hunting rifle.
  8. I wish you all the best guys, in your hunt for new permission, and ope these help.
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