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About Thebuddah

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Don’t panic she comes out for cuddles and a rub down often enough ??
  2. Rez I’ve used the .51 as well when I couldn’t get the .52 didn’t notice any difference hunting with them really but groupings were a little bit worse when punching paper, I stick with the .52 when I can get them though as I’ve got more confidence with them. Never tried the .53.
  3. Went back up to the woods for a few hours today to have another crack at the squirrels over the beech nuts as I was back at the farm doing a few jobs for my mate. Not much sign of life when I first got there as it was heavy overcast and light drizzle so I got set up under a big tree to keep dry and waited. After about 20 minutes the sky brightened up and the drizzle stopped and that was when the action kicked off. Managed about an hour and a half of decent action before the grey clouds came over again and they all disappeared back down their hide holes. Ended up with seven again ( lucky 7 ) sa
  4. Haven’t been out in a while as life’s been hectic but I got a call from my mate who lives on a farm asking if I could go up and sort a few jobs out for him so I put the HW100 in the boot on the off chance I could get a few pigeons whilst I was up there. No such luck with the pigeons but while I was there his neighbour approached me and said that there were a few squirrels knocking about the beech trees at the edge of his land in a small corpse of woods and it would be ok to knock a few off if I saw any. Needless to say I didn’t need a second invitation so off I went for a few hours and a scout
  5. Best wishes and hoping all goes well Jimmy mate, keeping me fingers crossed for you all bud ?
  6. Top bag that lads well done ? Looks like you've found a good match with the crown Jimmy ?
  7. Spot on lads well done, 97 is a beast bud ?
  8. Massive thanks to Sean and Pav for the torches. Spot on lads I’ll put them to good use ???
  9. Thanks Sean, that's a really nice offer mate, I'll catch up with you soon.?
  10. Cheers Pav that's a lovely offer I'm sure I can put that to good use mate ?
  11. Hi to all, I’ve just posted war and peace in the welcome new members topic which sets the scene for this reply so I won’t waffle on too much again here but just to say a massive thank you to bigmac 97kt for taking me out last night and thanks also to vislauk for the blessing. what a fantastic night I had out apart from the rain doing its best to mess it up for us we plodded on and I’m thrilled to have christened the hw100ks with a nice 70yder although I admit I watched the first shot on 2.5 mill dots fall short and adjusted for the second to drop it cleanly... at least I’m getting to know
  12. Thanks for letting me join this forum and I look forward to learning from you all and sharing this great hobby. I don’t quite know where to start this post but here goes.... as a young lad I enjoyed shooting air rifles with my friends and it seemed like back then everyone had either a rifle or a catapult and we would spend hours out in the fields hunting ( before the days of PlayStation ??) ,then after spending a good few years of my adult life as a soldier which was undoubtedly influenced by many hours stalking and messing around in the fields(I’m now a civvy again). Now with 2 chil
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