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Everything posted by TWOTWOTHREE

  1. Hi I find the wind isn't too much of a problem,unless it's blown a force 10 gale,like said it effects all bullets but up to a 100yds I still aim straight on and that seems to be good enough with the rimfires and still take head shots wind or not Atb
  2. More than likely a fox, I posted something simlar happening to me look back through and check it out,I had snared rabbit robbed all the time I pulled then and left it a few week hoping the problem would go away,ha ha was I wrong the next time I set the same area they were took again the first night,I ended up setting a few fox wires in the fence line at each end like mentioned above also sat waiting with the 223 but no luck and i still had the odd bunny stripped from it's wire a week later I crossed the road on the way to check the wires one morning and in the grass verge was a dead Charlie lo
  3. Hi trappa This rain is terrible ain't it,I was lucky to get the spuds in well before it started and they are now showing but I must have 40 trays of veg waiting to go in but the land is sodden and it shows no sign of stopping mate hopefully it will dry enough to get stuff planted soon Atb
  4. Hi You don't need to list the type of ammo just the Calibre and the amount you wish to purchase and hold,not sure on the fac air rifle, as for the Rimfire rifle, I just put 22 Rimfire in the calibre bit, bolt action in the type and reason as vermin control including fox, then underneath in the same secion I put 22 Rimfire then in the type put moderator then in the reason part, I put vermin control, same for all calibres I have, never a problem,amount for 22 ammo I put buy 500 hold 600, Atb 223
  5. Lol get yourself on britains got talent with that dance, quality ending Atb TTT
  6. Too true matt,in the past my fowls would have agreed to as they have been taken in the day time and night, on all my permissions they are detested 365 days a year so if I want to keep it I shall obey the last command,is it sport or pest control,lively hood,for me it's a bit of them all,but each to their own, Atb 223
  7. Hi I have a over under single trigger ejector,had it 11 years and it's only had to have a new safety catch spring in it's life,it's fired thousands of cartridges,very reliable Atb
  8. Hi What a load of shite mate, it's like the dvla saying you can't apply for a driving licence till you have had some experience,you have every right to apply for the sgc or fac,there is no section on the app forms asking about experience,if you have an interest in clay shooting or pigeon then assuming you sail through the vetting process then that's enough reason,as for the fac, if you have suitable land for the calibres you choose and vermin to controll then that is also good reason to own a rifle,clearly you have shot before and when you get your own guns that's when you gain more experienc
  9. Thought I would check the zero on the .17 hmr, This little one hasn't had much use over the last 18 months to be honest since I went to 223 for foxing, I forgot how fast it flies,today is quite windy in my area but still it steadied this pigeon stone dead at 110 yds,quick crack then a cloud of feathers a split second after touch down on this rock out in the field, Well yep the zero is still spot on,I'm going to use it a bit more I think,nothing special about the shot or anything like that,just a reminder that it's still a fun little round. Atb 223
  10. Hi I've moved three times in the same county,fac/sgc and every time I've rang to inform them they ask the location of the cabinet and if it's the same cabinet then that's it, they have never been to visit or check.then the next time I renew or do a variation the address gets changed,I once asked if I should send in the certs for changing the address the said no,strange but true Atb Ps, I tell them within a day or so after the move
  11. They will be fine I incubate loads each year,I've taken eggs from the sheds where the broody has left then for two or three days and they still hatch,once beleive it or not I put fertile duck eggs in the fridge till I had enough for a setting and 10 out of the 12 hatched,I didn't think they would hatch at all but a mate bet me they would so I took him up on the challenge,he won the bet  Atb 223
  12. Hi Go for both at the same time like the man says, good reason and permission to suite the calibre then your well away.and it saves you £26 when you put in a variation for the 223 at a later date, They can only say no mate Atb 223
  13. What a crafty barstool,I would be livid,probably why I won't take anyone exept my trusted lamp lad who wouldn't think of doing that to ne,it's took me 17 years to gain the fair amount of land I shoot, trap,and forage on and I don't intend losing it to a sneaky runt like him,get him sorted mate
  14. Hi I had this happen with the 22 but only now and then it happened,I was using eley subs, it was only one box that appeared to do this the rest were ok, never done it since, never had it with the ,17 Try a different brand or do a strip clean again Atb 223
  15. Nahh mate load of  As said under general licence is cool, even if they did it would be impossible to police surely Prob just a exaggerated rumour Atb
  16. Thanks I will be experimenting soon so thanks for the advice Atb 223 
  17. Hi David Thanks for the advice I'm going to a shop this weekend to have a look round and start building a kit up,how long is does it take from starting to finish for a brew?thanks again Atb
  18. Hi I'm fancying having a go at makin some home brew is any of you guys on here seasoned moonshiners, I want to brew bitter and lager,this is all new to me I have plenty of experience in the sampling of it lol but none in making it, is it best to buy a kit or individual set up,ie fermenting barrel co2 filler? etc And info would be great as I intend to get the shed stocked up for bbq time this summer, Thanks in advance,
  19. Hi Before my cert was opened I used to ring the feo give him the name of the farm/ land and ask him to do a check on his computer personally all land I have asked to be checked has come back ok for all calibres I have as at some time or another it's been cleared and kept on their data base,I never have to send the cert in it's just logged on my file at headquarters,i was lucky not to have to do land visits etc, Atb
  20. Hi And welcome, plenty of good lads in this section to help u out,Happy hunting Atb 223
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