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Everything posted by TWOTWOTHREE

  1. If you identify a good reason to need to catch them then thats fine,dispatch caught birds quick and in a humain manor , provide room for the call bird in the holding side of the larson that adheres to the legal requirements, give a constant supply of water and food,and a perch to rest on.provide shelter from the elements,look after the call bird and it shall last a long time in captivity Atb
  2. I remove the bolts and mod's and put them in the ammo safe seperate from the rifles,force of habit like,ssme as u say matt bet most folk do the same.but on the barrel question I think it should be locked up,but I'm not the law so they are the ones to ask Atb
  3. Well done chimp, No problem with it,it's legal so continue,I've shot them with the .17 and not even a twitch there stone dead with a shot to the turnip,this debait over the .17 and foxes keeps turning up and to be quite honest it's feckin boorin, don't folk remember the story of David and Goliath,one to the head is nowt but dead Atb
  4. Tell me about it bud Crop rotation is a pain ha ha.all the best fields I shoot near the woods are wheat this year,and all the rape takes ages to walk to with the gear as I can't get mi truck anywhere near,So I have to grin and bear it and tread on.just think of summer when the wheat is bowing and the pigeons are on the laid bits u won't have far to go.take it out on the rabbit for now Atb 223
  5. Atleast u got the result u wanted will despite the long wait, I have the same 3 cal's and it's everything I need from bunny to foxin,unless I get into deer I doubt I'll ever change them, Have fun, Atb
  6. Yea to be fair I've not heard a bad word against them. As for a bipod I have only ever bought Harris but some lads on here may know a alternative,I have Harris fitted on two of my rifles and they have never failed to work,I spray the springs with oil once a month and that's it really Shop about but they are not mega money for the swivel version, 223
  7. For chuff sake will, that's took a while,what force is that ? Tg that Finnfire will see u right they are the business in my opinion, Atb
  8. Nice one. Have fun and safe hunting Atb 223
  9. Hi ste Should be ok storing it at work if it's secure or share with a mate,but what a ball ache everytime u want to go for a blast. Can't u convince the mrs to let u keep em at home,is it the fact that she thinks they are dangerous or that the kids may tamper? I remember my mum saying I don't want them bloody things I'm my house 17 years ago,I said I don't like that draw full of rolling pins and that knife block sat on the work top with the 9 inch carving nice stuck out.as I explained there was more chance of someone being hurt by them lying about the kitchen than my shotguns as I'm the only
  10. Hi The fact that u didn't renew is not an issue My mate let his laps,he had held a sgc for 5 years and never bought a gun the tight sod,he re applied and got it back at his expence.if the record is petty stuff like u say I would go for it.I know of people with sgc and I know they have had dealings with the police in the past,theft etc to say the least They are not very nice people,personally i would never issue them one, in your case mate I dont know the ins and outs of it but none violent I think u have a good chance,technically when I got done for speeding the other year I was classed a
  11. Hi I would ask ur feo as I had 5 in a 4 gun cabinet, Two fac and three shotguns,I put in for a one for one variation recently and the feo rang me and said he had noticed I more on the licences than the cabinet was stated to hold.It was ok as I had upgraded to a 8 gun safe last year, that cheered him up a bit and job done Atb 223
  12. Thanks lads,I'll stick a few more pics up cos this section is the hard work of my friend Martin who loves this place we work together to tend to this section and my section beyond the pollytunel We love the veg and what not,these few pics are part of it to,and with the help of the mrs and kids we manage to keep it nice as poss and grow lots of things The fruit patch From my side back The other way Some of the poultry sheds Small Tom house I made a heating system at work My attempt at the veg last year Toms And lastly the thinking shed,since this photo I've put in a nice s
  13. Well T,D That's not good,we lost a tunnel sheet the year before last to the wind,I'm still stressing about the glass house cos I'm still cleaning shards of glass up out of the grass daily I don't want any of the poultry to pick it up,what size tunel u got mate ?have u had a price from first tunel a 7m x 9m sheet was a hundred quid other year when we replaced it. 223 Ps this is the sheet on the tunel in the pics,nice and substantial plastic. Atb
  14. Hi We use the groundbait thats surplus from going fishing,halibut flavour and mix in a cheap tin of tuna and let it fester in a sealed bag for a day or two that's that, it's deadly and stinks like he'll, Brings them out fast and they can't carry it away Atb
  15. Hi Callum They sound like a growing problem, Hope the powers that be get it sorted for people like ur cousin and other farmers who's livelihood it affects.so I guess you have to control them how u see fit,I was curious about the earlier comment about it being on the fac as I didn't know a vermin geese species is classed otherwise , Atb
  16. Hi Not sure if the wind would affect it head on,but as said it could have been multiple direction wind down range,excuse the ignorance but why would u have to have geese put on a fac,I was of the understanding a certain type were vermin Atb 223
  17. Hi You have the best choice all ready, I have both and if push come to shove the hmr would go, I've had lots of rabbit with it and it's lovely flat shooting but just too noisy, Atb 223
  18. My rifles from 22lr .17 hmr and 223 are all conditioned for fox, but in the next county things are different again they won't have rimmy on fox, it's complicated stuff ss I dont think any of high up The decision makers have a clue. Atb
  19. Hope it all goes well,You will be living the Dream mate. I tell ya what it must be a good feeling knowing what's to come.I'm stuck at work planning it for ya I've all ready put up pens gates,pig sheds ,crops a veg patch, polly tunels and lots more on your 6 acre lol Good luck with the future Atb 223
  20. Exelent news for ya bb. bet ya sat staring at the letter box with ya Tongue hangin out in anticipation lol,Shopping next week then is it? What guns you fancying,I dont know what to go for now my 1 for 1 is here.I sold my cz .22 with the synthetic and nickle as I didn't like it,I'll probably regret it if I move away from cz but I'll see, Atb 223
  21. 120mm I'll stick a variation in for that tomorrow will u mentor me lol,glad u got what u asked for. Like rake aboot it's not heard of I'm my area but I'm sure in time it will be enforced one way or another,only condition I had was my 223 is not open but I haven't needed it to shoot anywhere exept on the land it's passed on due to there been plenty to go at,my .22 and .17 were open after a short time but that was years ago, for the 223 I have to wait Two years which I've only a few months to wait. a mate got told 5 years till his cf will be open unless he proves it's imperative it needs to be
  22. Well it's s bit mixed with times. Rake aboot you seen to have the best service i wish derbyshire took a leaf out of your lots book,then followed by simonrees how come you would have had to be on a Supervision restriction if not for your military background? I've heard a few people mention on here a simlar thing,is this a new law or something , just wondering as I didn't have one when I got my 223 a year or two back?and bb24 give Cornwall a tinkle and push a bit looks like it worked for simonrees,that just leaves me and thee paulus with the tortoise speed police force lol,anyway hope in the fut
  23. Yea mate well gutted,I still have the smaller glass house and I share a polly tunel on my Mates garden so not all is lost,I'm going to replace it with another tunnel asap if I can get one at good money.or even just the rings as we have a spare tunel sheeting,I've cleaned it up now and it took fookin ages bud it was 12ft x 8ft So alot of glass lol.on the up side it didn't flatten any of the fouls. Atb
  24. How we doin, What sort of time scales are your perticular police force giving for variations or applications,I sent off a one for one 2 and a half month ago To Derbyshire and only got it back today,a bit excessive in my eyes.phoned them a couple of times to see if it had fell under the desk and got the we are busy speach,more like they don't care how long u wait,if I hadn't persisted it could have been alot longer. Atb 223
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