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Everything posted by TWOTWOTHREE

  1. Plenty to keep u going there,Artichokes are vile same as fennel it's not for me,hope all grows well for us all this year, hope everyone keeps puttin up the posts on here ,it's good to hear how things are going around different parts of the country Atb
  2. Hope it all runs smooth for you Best A luck Atb 223
  3. Hi The initial lay out can be expensive but it's rewarding,I keep 30 layers at any one time and the surpless eggs and veg I sell on a rickety old stall cover the cost of the feed and more when all the birds are In full lay,and I obviously get free eggs,there is usually money left over to buy most of the seeds for the growing year.get some bought bud it's a interesting hobby, Atb
  4. It's bloody time consuming bud,the toms and early cauli would have been alot further on if a bad frost had not claimed the lot,third sowing is In now so hope it's a good year,the plan this time is to keep,seasonal veg going through till this time next year cos last year the brussels failed badly along with the parsnips,but with 7 plots,two with fowls on and 4 for growing my time is taken up big time,me and a mate have teamed up so maybe it will be easier,wouldn't be without the tunels and glass houses cos we can get a good early start to the year,I'll put some pics up of the place it's took
  5. Hi all How is your seedlings comeing on I've a few hundred various pottings comeing on, from 4 varieties of toms and pea,bean, to peppers,etc, where would ya be without the glass house and polytunel,after losing alot to a snap freeze I had to start again,can't wait to get amongst it for another year, And a bit af staging I made yesterday for a smaller green house Atb
  6. I've worked with beast alot, from calving to tagging to loading for Market, I don't trust em one bit too unpredictable mate,seen a few accidents along the way, normally ok though until the young are suckling just be careful Atb
  7. Yea I know wat u saying,too much choice mate when I was scope hunting once, Two or three hundred quid should see u with what ur looking for, Best of luck In the search for one
  8. Yep it's the usual ending,hows the hunt for a new a new scope for the .17 Atb
  9. Hi When I first applied for a fac for 22 and .17 a few years back prior to getting a cf I asked about using them for fox control and the feo said I has to have the word fox stated on the cert as if not it can cause confusion for The shooter, pictured below is the conditions of my cert I've taken it on my phone so hope u can see,this is how it's been since day one even though it states fox if it's not a sensible range then don't bother, that's why I went cf just for that job and leave the rimmys for bunnys etc I think your best to check before getting I'n trouble,some areas allow it some do
  10. Hi I know a lad who keeps his guns at his dads house a few miles from his house and he's had no bother,and no one else has a licence at his dads,probably depends if your feo likes the idea or not,that's sgc so maybe different for fac,or tell your landlord to get a grip it's not like your going to use his house for target practice, Atb
  11. Hi This doesn't cause a problem for me as one of the permissions I shoot .22 .17 and 223 has a path straight through the middle from one end To the other, but I imagine it's down to your feo personal opinion,if I think right out of 3 pieces of local farm land I shoot over only one doesn't have a public right of way on it somewhere or another,with the land having a foot path doesn't mean it not safe with the use of common sense,and as long as it cleared ok,without knowing the lay out of the land Its a grey area for speculation mate Atb 223
  12. Good day by the sound of it,be nice to see a few pics of the day,not many hares where I shoot so I leave them be,but saying that the dog lads still try to see em off without success, to be fair the last dog I saw was about as fit as an asmatic pit pony so no wonder,I see why they have the drives where it's over populated areas, they must cause alot of damage,and the charity would appreciate the money,good on ya Atb
  13. Hi You should have no issues,the car job thing is nothing to do with the application process,as long as you have behaved In the past and have a clean record you will be ok,apply and enjoy the sport,so get the pen to paper and In a few months time u could be dustin them clays or doing some pigeon shootin,it's a doodle for the sgc Atb
  14. Hi I could have opted for 22-250 but chose to go 223 because I would be shooting fox this side of 200yds and knew that cal was well upto the job, the 22/250 is a beast and despite what the land check passed for I thought it was a bit ott,ive had no reason to dis the 223 as yet as it's doing what the other would do but with less recoil,less flash and less mess lol.don't get me wrong I was bloody tempted by the 22-250 but is wasn't necessary to be honest, Atb
  15. I think I depends on the decision makers of your police force,but you was let out after a week obviously their mistake by how you explained it,a bloke I used to work with years back had done far worse things than you and he had sgc and fac due to the fact that it was In his younger years.it's not for me to state his offences it's not my place to,but comparing records there's a good chance you should be ok Atb
  16. Hi It's no drama, just be yourself keep chilled and answer any questions they put your way,all my interviews over the years have gone fine,both sgc and fac, it's been a qiuck chat about safety and look at the cabinet and away he goes, Oh and once he checked the serial numbers corresponded with the guns on the cert but that was fac not shotty,obviously that was a renewal. But both initial interviews lasted twenty mins max.Good luck keep us posted on your interview Atb 223
  17. Hi Have one on 22 and 17 they have been quiet enough In my opinion, Cheap too, Atb
  18. Oops Not a nice situation to be In,it' makes you realise how easy it is for accidents to happen mate,it should never be though if safety is paramount,ya do right keeping him away after that incident, i would have done the same as towns,cars and the old lady walking a yorkshire terrier don't make ideal back stops lol Atb 223
  19. Fair point worthy I shoot a fraction of that amount of land but it's ideal ground here In Derbyshire nice and hilly.with hundreds of safe shots.but I suppose it's different In each situation, it makes ya kinda think for example,wow 10,000 acres surely the worlds ya oyster on calibre choice,but if the lie of the land is not great then it's not, Atb 223
  20. With that amount of land patt I would imagine your covered for what ever cal u want,let us no what you end up with Atb 223
  21. Hi Not really mate yes the hornet is cf but also the 222,223,22-250 there also 22 cf if your going for a cf rifle state which you want that suits your land and what it's passed for,do you know what cal your land is cleared for ? Atb
  22. Hi I asked my feo the question so i could settle a debate between me and a mate.a mate said 22cf covered all of them and to be honest that just doesnt sound right. The answer was no it doesn't you have to specify which either it be a rimfire or cf,On my ticket one of the rifles say .22 rf but that didn't mean I could have bought a wmr though it be a 22rf.I can see how it can give the wrong impression. Atb
  23. Hi As said above,both come into their own In different situations,both good on rabbits short and long ranges.I have both and if I had to chose it would be the .22 I kept, the main reason is it's cheap to to run i shoot rabbit confidently upto 100 yds.I use a cz 452 silhouette and find it very accurate and as quiet as my airgun, the .17 is a bit too noisy and empties a field full of bunnys after one shot,but it's good for longer range crows and the close range fox,but I later got a 223 for that job,so the hmr is the least used rifle I have,Go 22 u will regret it if u don't mate Atb 223
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