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About marty42

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 08/03/1979

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  • Interests
    lurchers.terriers and ferrets

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  1. Anybody selling a cock goldfinch Ireland.am looking for to cocks
  2. http://www.(!64.56:886/FightArchive?ref=stream&hc_location=stream
  3. dont think its working. tiss on facebook in the fight archive
  4. http://www.(!64.56:886/ajax/sharer/?s=11&appid=2392950137&p%5B0%5D=119645331566751&profile_id=100001611716602&share_source_type=unknown
  5. marty42


    like all cultures, you have your good and bad. travellers have scumbags thives and feuds. the settle people have scumbag thives and feuds. i used ta drink wit a few travellers befour when i was living in town. they were sound lads and well able ta carry there drink. good craic they were. got ta know another lad throught hunting. he was the soundest fella you could ever meet. not long back a few travellers were parked up the boreen. the locals wouldnt walk up the boreen because a the travellers. i passed them and they were two lads sitting out in the sun. they were sound lads, talking away ta
  6. they looks the right job allright. was reading up that you can burn anything in them and you can buy peas coal [a grade lower than slack] 150 euro for a ton bag. its sopose ta burn good in them
  7. anyone here use solid fuel boilers. i was wondering whats yer thaughts on them and do they cost much ta run.. i was looking at a few on www.econboilers.com
  8. marty42


    i uses a sponge and a rubber glove and wash the dogs down with the did. it only takes a few mins
  9. cant pup up the link lol. its on youtube called the screaming sheep. its funny
  10. this poor sheep after been chased be a fox.
  11. marty42


    nice looking dog
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