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Everything posted by samuria

  1. never used them so unsure how to !!! thats why asked for a good photo or plan
  2. anyone have a plan or good photo for me to make a few tealers please? tried the search bar!!!! for rabbit snares.
  3. no test offered after the op... will be calling the vet tomorrow
  4. had my polecat hob snipped last june...... or so i thought two jills both gave birth last night now have 14 kits not what i wanted. paid nearly £ for the snip....
  5. what a great send off. nice to see the horse drawn carriages. thanks for that
  6. these any good...http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SET-OF-5-WHEELS-AND-TYRES-255-70-15-wit-5mm-FROM-2001-DAIHATSU-FOURTRAK-2-8TDX-/172656332463?hash=item28331e8eaf:g:0zoAAOSwX61ZEc4u
  7. this any help https://www.petcha.com/help-my-ferret-cant-walk/
  8. i wouldn't mind the series 2 land rover.
  9. always nice to get a update... he looks right at home and well treated
  10. always sad to lose a friend, she had a fair innings r.i.p willow .....
  11. these any good ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10X-393-FERRET-FINDER-COLLAR-BATTERYS-HUNTING-mk1-mk2-mk3-/222142582238?hash=item33b8bacdde:g:txwAAOSwl9BWG~wM
  12. what a great photo. very nice to see
  13. same as these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AnySharp-Knife-Sharpener-The-Worlds-Best-Knife-Sharpener-Blue-/152445880762?hash=item237e7b89ba:g:KdkAAOSwax5YrXNe i got one from asda £8.00
  14. these are good for the money http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AnySharp-Blue-Worlds-Best-Knife-Sharpener-Brand-New-100-Genuine-UK-Stock-/152397562137?hash=item237b9a4119:g:MbIAAOSwr7ZW6Uow asda have them for £8.00
  15. one for me to try... sounds great ....sod the diet
  16. you would be better to get a hob and get him snipped. had mine done last summer £72
  17. these were sold in catalogue's https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=relum+air+rifle&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwif7v7p1ZTSAhXJ1xQKHQG0A1EQsAQILg&biw=1280&bih=649
  18. i maybe new to this forum.... why do some people on here think they can slag other off and put people down. as for the spelling in their posts so some may change their dogs more than their socks... i just pity the poor dogs, treated like a throwaway animal
  19. i have a jill you could have... but a few miles from you
  20. on hold for johnpee who pm first guys......
  21. more tales of old poachers yours for the postage cost
  22. looks a nice dog. i hope he finds a good home.
  23. looks good, but the tubes seem rather long.....
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