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Everything posted by dillydog

  1. Its funny how the general opinion is that they were mostly Rough curs yet in one of his books DH blames Parksys dogs for ruining his line. Who bred a line of more consistant workers J.Park or D.Harcombe, or perhaps they didnt gel/knit as a line, J.P said the only decent terrier he saw at Harcs was bred from his (Johns) stuff, different folks different strokes Sounds about right, sometimes it gels sometimes it doesn't, i wouldn't be to quick to throw the blame at either line. Roys and DH's dogs work well enough but they'r IMO more of a thrash em type of animal and as i said the dog
  2. The misses has just phoned and i've asked her to give me the breeding Gin was by Jack and out of Shovel, Shovel was bred by FS, Shovel was by Demon and out of Cracker. Demon was by Smithy and out of crisp. Jack was by Smithy and out of Gill, Gill was a daughter of Smithy, i've got more but it's a pain in the arse putting it on from my phone.
  3. working nights mate, i'll have a look when i get in and pm you the breeding.
  4. Is Tom in the line of the terriers karl, Paul and i have Daz?? As far as i know mate no not at all, there may well be blood from Gin through Max but not Tom.
  5. Tom was bred by the chap calling himself "Franky Owen" in the EDRD. Tom was by Gin and out of a Nuttall bitch called Dice, Dice was bred by Arthur Wells. Tom entered "easy as" and was what can only be described as recklass, when i found out Roy had lost Gin Tom was in his first season and going well, i phoned Roy and offered Tom as a replacement. I last saw Tom work on an invite with Karl when he was doing the terrier work for the AVH, by then Tom had settled down to a good steady style of work. I couldn't tell you if Tom was a producer, i had my path and Roy had his so apart from Tom i never
  6. Gouldy and Stacey stuff. Had a very good dog directly sired by Gin, he was a top class terrier "Tom", k ryall spoke about him in Blucks book. Gin IMO threw a lot of bullies, hard as nails untill pushed.
  7. dillydog


    The camera always just happens to be pointing at something else when the punchline happens, camera trickery of the finest order.
  8. People went to Gouldy more than the dog, i saw sparticus when i was i my twenties and walked away, he looked more like a bitch than a dog.
  9. I was talking to a girl the other day who came out with a classic, she said her labradoodle was a full KC. When i said don't be so fkin stupid she replied "it is both parents were KC" lol.
  10. For me mart i like a clever terrier that does just enough to get the job done. I think IMO the statemant "he stands off one or two feet" is what sounded dull.
  11. Haven't seen eye to eye with pattstaff before but my fitst thoughts were the same. All terriers are foxs dogs as the retarded government can't see the sense in people doing good honest terrier work on anything else. Yet another new member with no posts baiting the trap trying to get stupid replys.
  12. Can't copy and past, it's a bute to.
  13. The working of terriers to ground is NOT banned, t10 are you one of AW's mates lol.
  14. If Stevens was seven foot tall and six foot across i think he'd take care of JP yes lol.
  15. I've used the ones strong stuff makes for about three or four years and never had a problem. Before SS did them i had them made in leather and i used them with no issues for years.
  16. 73mm's mate and it was 4 numpties lol, even ended up using some up in internal walls.
  17. Got subies in myself, i had three different quotes and all of them came in at 20k just for the shell with facing brick. Got the whole thing done for 12k and got all windows and doors in to make it water tight. Your quote sounds way to much for basic block work, and most council inspectors make you take the footings down to solid natural ground IE clay, if you've got good clay at three foot then you shouldn't have to go any deeper. My footing were 1 meter deep with a nine inch concrete slab. The three brickies that gave me the quotes all worked out how many bricks i'de need and all of them came
  18. Don't see any difference with the chocolate patterdale, foolz and thier money and all that shit comes to mind.
  19. Often wondered how did the highlanders go on in years gone by ?, they must of suffered.
  20. She's still working away Sallie, like i say she's only done it twice. The worrying thing is "how many times has it happened when your not there", or even worse while she's working ???. I think i'de notice it if it were happening to ground as youd get big breaks in her baying and the bitch now lives with me indoors, so i should be able to see if she was getting any worse. She's 6 going 7 this winter and apart from the c-section i've had no health issues with her so far.
  21. How can cutting hair alter it's physical make up ?, i'm sick of banging my head against a wall, cutting hair doesn't alter it, if it did you'de all be walking about like f*****g poodles.
  22. I've got a bitch here that did it last year and once again a week or two ago, i phoned the vet who told me not to worry. The bitch i have here Sallie is always like a bottle of pop ready to go off, she gets herself all wound up about the stupidest things and from what the vet told me i think thats whats doing it. It's not like a fit, she looks lik she's cramping and both times she's done it i've mistaken it for her going to shit in the house lol. Her eyes go a little glazed to and she's not with it for a minute or two after either. This bitch had a massive stroke while she was having a c-secti
  23. Good luck in your search, hope she turns up on her own.
  24. If semen was availlable from old sparty i'de put it in the bin where it belongs.
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