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johnny boy68

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Everything posted by johnny boy68

  1. PIL has his own forum don't think he bothers on here anymore good little forum aswell some decent lads on it.atb AtThey are decent lads, were decent lads when they were on here too!!PiL, BPR, Outlaw Pete, Stewie......shared a good laugh with them all...and others. funny lads except pil he's a bit gay,haha atb AtA bit gay!!!! He shouts an air rifle, so really gay I'd say. Lol
  2. Seen them lol, your like billy no mates up the front of the boat If it's off a bit more training can't hurt Well I've been well and truly stitched John, originally was at the back out of the way, now I'm rowing stroke, basically setting the pace and not allowed to stop!! When will I learn to say "NO" FFS lol Was hard graft on Tuesday night, rowing into an easterly wind with the tide against, was nice coming back with the tide though!! Luckily we wont have the force of tide on the channel you have against as you are coming out of an estuary at Exmouth and it's really bottle necked, j
  3. They're saying he has bipolar(manic depression) and they're gonna put him in the jungle. No doctor in his right mind would let him go into such a situation if he was really bipolar imo.
  4. Seen them lol, your like billy no mates up the front of the boat ?If it's off a bit more training can't hurt ?
  5. Knocked a couple up in red camo if anyone is interested. Thanks.
  6. Read earlier that the British Boxing Board could take his licence off him. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/37563759
  7. Paul Scholes.....?You mean Maradonna surely...?? A black Archie Gemill surely.
  8. I'd love to argue the case but your probably spot on. I'd doubt very much if this young lad ever pulls on the hoops for real. No doubt he's been spoken about and watched by the big clubs for a while now. 2 Dembeles heading out the door soon I bet...?Aye you're always going to lose your best players to the big clubs. ?
  9. It's HBO's new flagship show so it'll have a good budget, hopefully the writing will be up there to match. First episode was a bit slow but they usually are.
  10. Where the red fern grows......always have a cry when I watch that.
  11. Cracking pics....looks a good day.
  12. Thanks Phil glad you're happy with them.
  13. They do say that dogs look like their owners. LOL
  14. Just the gap between the saddle and thighs, those dips on a woman is what gives them the hour glass figure. LOL
  15. johnny boy68


    well unlike your lot THE RANGERS we do not have a fetish for wrecking toilets FFS one of the biggest rivalries in world football and you keep greeting about a few toilets. LOLDidn't Celtic fans smash up Amsterdam the other year........glass houses and all that.
  16. Spoilt it now you have mun, now I know he's gonna die. LOL
  17. The dispatch of an animal is just a single part of a process, should always be done with respect for that animal. I always try and get across to the kids that the dispatching is the most important part, it's never fun but it is necessary.
  18. Westwood and Willet were crap fair play.Yep they haven't had a great Ryder cup this year normally Westwood is old reliable, should be interesting day today, hopefully goes to the wireWell the Europeans have front loaded there singles so hopefully can get the yanks on the back foot from the start.
  19. I think he'd fancy a re-match with Brahmer before either of them twoI suppose that depends on Brahmers injury and how bad it is, it's another division with a few good match ups to be made. Good to see Clev regain the title, another local lad done good.
  20. What's next for Clev now? Maybe fight the winner of Kovelev v Ward?
  21. Westwood and Willet were crap fair play.
  22. Trouble with the subtitles Kev? LOL.
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