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Everything posted by foxfan

  1. OOh, cant agree there sorry, how would you explain the following : 3 terriers running loose along a track, one terrier stops puts it's nose in the air, goes down a bank swims a storm drain climbs the oposite bank crosses a track, drops in and bolts two foxes one after the other. Now the other two terriers never had a clue there was anything there. Can only be difference in scenting ability surely ?
  2. foxfan


    Right. Thats 1x Crossbow on the shopping list... Slight issue that i'm half english half welsh. Do i shoot myself? Not much sport in that really. Suppose i could give myself a head start or time to hide? You're going to fit right in here. Good luck in your chosen sport mate.
  3. You all forgot to mention the polar shift Lets face it, no one knows whats happening, but they will stick a tax on it anyway.
  4. It's not a question of wanting something for nothing, if you recieve a service then, of course you should pay a fair rate for it. But when we are being charged an exorbitant rate (which must increase every year) and then the profits taken out of the country, it's not right. Of course we should never have allowed these things to be sold off in the first place. The water system belonged to the British people, feckin politicians had no right to sell it !
  5. They will pass your bill over to a debt collection agency like any other utility company would, debt collectors are easily brushed off if you are determined not to pay. This is another example of our infastructure (which our parents, grand parents etc, payed to install) being sold off to foriegn investors, who have no interest or loyalty to Britain. My local water company is owned by a conglomerate of Malaysian business men who expect year on year profits and invest those profits into chains of luxury hotels in south east Asia. Around 70% of all utilities get lost before they even reac
  6. Unless they are christians eh ? Hundreds of thousands have to change to acccomadate 0.001(?) of the population. God save us from liberals !
  7. farthest distance traveled on a space hopper ?
  8. Does anyone wonder how a tiny percentage of the population (queers who want to get married in church, not just queers in general) can generate so much publicity, even the prime minister throwing his weight behind it ? It's enough to make you think there's a bigger agenda ! Nah, couldnt be, could it ?
  9. Bonuses could be having an exceptional nose, not ragging a carcase when there's more in the earth, likewise not following a bolter but turning round and re-entering and generaly displaying determination above and beyond the call of duty.
  10. I dont think anyone looks at ratting as beneath them mate, everyone enjoys a go at the rats, it's a good crack when there's a few about. What is laughable is how anyone could think one type of terrier is better than any other at it.
  11. Foxfan, are you really saying a nut job slaughtering children in a school is the same as casualties of war? Depends on your definition of war.
  12. Gun control ? Does that include Cameron and Oburma hawking their wares for the big arms manufacturers ? 62 children died in drone attacks last month. I dont see anyone crying over them. Funny how the media shapes our perception.
  13. Oh i see , only Plummers are 'little bolters' while any other breed are 'big hard dogs who get smashed up'. Who may be involved in 'cruelty, messing about, or badgers and anything illegal !! You sir are a charlatan, a menace to yourself and everyone around you !
  14. Why were Charlie and Jimmy such good mates ? I think the doomed deserve an answer !!
  15. Shame they dont ban 'ragumup'. always trying to whip up hatred. What is wrong with you 'ragunup' ?
  16. The tragedy of this thread is that it is leading the young, the inexperienced and the gullible astray. Lets face it, there are those of us old enough to know that, since it's inception the Plummer terrier has been a con, a false hood, a lie, just like the man who's name they bear. I have no doubt that a Plummer will rat and rabbit as good as any spaniel, but on the whole thats as far as it goes.
  17. America is in quite a mess, isnt it. Perhaps everywhere is.
  18. Morgan's history of Briton. http://freetheplanet.net/articles/252/morgan-s-history-of-britain-part-1 My favourite bit, some of our ancient laws. “There are three tests of Civil Liberty,—equality of rights—equality of taxation—freedom to come and go. There are three causes which ruin a State,—inordinate privileges—corruption of justice—national apathy. There are three things which cannot be considered solid longer than their foundations are solid,—peace, property, and law. Three things are indispensable to a true union of Nations, —sameness of laws, rights, and lan
  19. So now the British are to be denied even having an identity, what a particularly vicious piece of marxist propaganda that little gem is, shame on those who fall for it. Define being German ? French, any country in Europe, lets go further afield define being Botswanan, Rwandan, Zimbabwean, or best of all Israeli, see how it works ? all countries have been invaded/occupied if you go back far enough. The Globalists have no use for national identity or soveriegn nations, or are you deluded enough to still think it has all happened by accident.
  20. She DID take the origional call. She was a nurse, but standing in for the receptionist. She then passed the call to the ward nurse. Cheers. Oh, i stand corrected. How's the ward nurse bearing up ?
  21. Last i heard Police described her death as 'unexplained'. Have they confirmed suicide yet ? She didnt take the call, a receptionist did. A lot of guessing going on here, i dont suppose we'll get the truth anyway.
  22. She must have witnessed the reptilian entity being implanted in the royal womb and therefore had to go !
  23. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that the situation we are in nas nothing to do with benefit scroungers, dole claimants, lazy fecks or whoop de feckin woo work shy numpty's. You better start getting your head around the fact that the government is owned and controled by the banks lock stock and austerity measure. We are living through the greatest transferal of wealth (from the worker to the "elite") in the history of mankind. Fraud and corruption are systemic throughout the city of London and Westminster. It's not just us, this is happening Globaly. Go research what money actua
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