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Everything posted by Pembshunter

  1. Are you still after an eu polecat

  2. The best I saw on here was two lads found a frozen chicken down a rabbit hole while out ferreting! I always remembered that one
  3. The Rabbit hole runs deeper than abuse, Ted Heath abused kids and then some...
  4. Plastic bin from the hardware, buried in ground, holes drilled 2/3rds from the base up, the lid sits just above the ground. I throw the yard waste into daily, throw in septic tank treatment once a month and leave the hose in it for an hour a few days after and I've never had problems. It works well
  5. I've always found my better workers to be calm, relaxed and easier going...any that were a little to lively, fought with dogs and were a constant nuisance never amounted to much...for me anyway.
  6. It was great to meet you and some of the team, the show was great and we enjoyed the lurchers and the great friendly atmosphere although we didn't do well against the Irish lads! We picked up a few bargains and just about made it back to the ferry on Sunday night. The ferry rates were much appreciated and we look forward to next year
  7. Looking forward to it! On the ferry today, dogs with us, hopefully take something home with us.
  8. Some nonsense wrote in that book about terriers
  9. Ferry booked, hotel booked, looking forward to another great weekend!
  10. Anything is only worth what someone will pay for it....all fine and dandy for someone to say anything is worth a certain price but unless someone is going to pay you what it's "worth" then what worth has it really?
  11. I have a good friend who is a massive Hargreaves fan, he used to correspond with him by letter and ended up with a painting that Jack owned. Only two weeks ago he was telling me about the Lost episode's and according to him they are one offs, not on any other box set. He got them some years ago copied off old reels from a friend. But I'm only going on what he said, but if anyone would know....he would.
  12. I would put that in people's gardens at night if I had it...
  13. Myself and my pals as well as some other Scottish friends we caught up with in Belfast had a brilliant weekend. The game fair team ladies helped us get accommodation at the last minute and we got a very warm welcome on Saturday morning from some of the game fair team. There was no end of entertainment in the arena and the smaller one were we had a good chat with a few lurcher and terrier lads, I always like to have a chat with the Irish lads. The lurcher area was in the fair which was handy as at some home shows it is outside the show and can be a nuisance, there was even plenty o
  14. Always delighted to see fellow sportsmen 'from across the pond'. Pop into the Irish Countrysports and Country Life stand to speak to our editor Paul Pringle for a welcome pack. Albert Thanks, a few boys from Scotland meeting us as well. On our way Thursday night Glad the ladies could get you sorted out with accommodation - quite a few travelling from the UK and of course from all over Ireland. Don't be put off by the few disgruntled people on this forum. Most Irish terrier, lurcher and whippet owners are most sporting. Meanwhile you can download a free programme to read on the ferry,
  15. Always delighted to see fellow sportsmen 'from across the pond'. Pop into the Irish Countrysports and Country Life stand to speak to our editor Paul Pringle for a welcome pack. Albert Thanks, a few boys from Scotland meeting us as well. On our way Thursday night
  16. Myself and a few other lads are heading across for the weekend. Looking forward to it.
  17. You lads should come to England and see how much support lurchers and terriers get at shows.....not a squint of what you guys get
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