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Everything posted by socks

  1. Hope they weren't doubled up? Of course they were it was half grown i will have you know .........
  2. The welsh springer hasn't been used as a working dog for a very long time ... Another dog ruined by the crufts brigade .......
  3. My dogs once caught a baby rabbit in a phone box ... They are fukcing world beaters ....
  4. What the fanny haircut ??? ......?
  5. sorting that roof out sun on your back working late into the evening cold beer after thats 2 days sorted socks ... I hate the sun ... I hate late light nights ... Nettles and brambles everywhere ... I do like the opportunity of getting out with the dogs at first light which you can't do in the winter .........
  6. I fukcing hate the summer ........
  7. If you can't see at least one fault in your dog then your lying to yourself ..........
  8. Nobody Is saying that ... Morton was saying that Harry had minced off and had a break pretending to be ill or whatever ... The point I was making was that no matter how fit or how much training you have done altitude sickness can hit you like a sledge hammer at any time ...and if you havnt been at altitude its difficult to understand .... Oh and if your crawling through your own shit then your admin is very poor indeed ... You should always shit in a plastic bag and double tie it to make sure ............
  9. Did you miss the bit where the 12 year arctic expedition guide went down with altitude sickness ? I think he was suitably trained for the expedition .... As I said fella if you haven't been there and done it maybe say fukc all is best .........
  10. Fukc sake fella you just don't get it do you ... No matter how fit or unfit you are altitude sickness can strike you down ... Having no limbs or all your limbs makes no difference .......
  11. You at least need to have been in a high altitude environment to understand the mechanics of what it does to your body .......
  12. So you have basically done fukc all fella I thought so ..........
  13. Who were you with and how long were you in ? ? ? ..........
  14. You can't keep it real because you havnt been a situation anything like they were in ......
  15. This has got f**k all to do with who his father is ... And yes it probably is old Hewitt ... You questioned the mans resolve and fitness .. Have you ever been in an altitude environment ... No matter how fit you are it can strike you down at any moment ... Its a shit of of an illness ... I have seen the fittest of blokes go down in the jungle the cold the desert and at altitude and fellas that are far less fitter than these fellas still going strong ..........
  16. If you truly believe what you just wrote then you are a prize cock fella .........
  17. Lol that's similar to what I did with my roe mount when she mentioned it first except I spiked the fruit .... Anyway it's all on hold for a while as mrs socks is in hospital for week three ........
  18. socks

    Jake The Mus

    How can it be cruel if you stroked it first ......
  19. socks

    Jake The Mus

    More metrosexual like yourself socks....... Yes ... I am in touch with my feminine side ... I even stroked a baby rabbit yesterday before I killed it ... Now that is very metrosexual .......
  20. socks

    Jake The Mus

    Especially when they get on that fukcing kava .......
  21. socks

    Jake The Mus

    I know a few Fijians Tongans and Maoris and they are all tough strong fuckers that will fight anybody at the drop of a hat ... They are very tribal and have mans man values ... Their wives would probably like them to be a bit more metrosexual though lol .........
  22. When I was racing greyhounds I had two dogs in at the same time that were both open class ... Had won some good competitions and were track record holders at different distances ... I was offered silly money for both these dogs ... But I wouldn't sell for a few reasons ... They had a good happy home ... They were fed the best food ... Given the best treatment they needed and were trained hard to reach their full potential ... I can honestly say that I didn't think they would get the same level of care and attention with somebody that was only in the game for the money ... I was convinced the f
  23. In my opinion a genuine dog man woumd never get rid of a working dkg that was doing his jo well why would he it makes no sence ... you have a dog that you have put time effort tears and sweat into to get it to be top of its game only to sell it on and start again ... thats just nonsence ... people who see the dog as a commodity to make money off each time are not true dog men .......
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