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Everything posted by doddsy1970

  1. Walked up. I find it dosent matter what time you do it. Let the dog work all bits of cover and be ready because they come out very quickly, alot of the time quite low.
  2. I was sat looking out of my office window at my back garden and all the snow that lay on the ground and all the birds clamouring for the nuts and fat balls that i have put out and wondered what everyone else is doing.?
  3. Is she socialised with other dogs alot?.... I had a shy spaniel (a dog) and i got him over it by taking him out to meet lots of people in lots of places. Alot of spaniel pee themselves, its just what they do. Good luck with the training i hope it all goes well. I got her at 10 weeks old. Someone else had her but his other dog kept snapping at her so she was very nervous. I have socialised her with dogs I know (mates spaniels and such) and she is much better, She used to run away if another dog came near her. Now she will approach them to say hello but shes still a lil nervous, espe
  4. Some nice looking pics there.... The top one of your second batch made me laugh. The dog just looked so dopey.
  5. Is she socialised with other dogs alot?.... I had a shy spaniel (a dog) and i got him over it by taking him out to meet lots of people in lots of places. Alot of spaniel pee themselves, its just what they do. Good luck with the training i hope it all goes well.
  6. Ive been ferreting for 20 years and have never bolted a fox...... but i do believe people do bolt them with their ferts. I have bolted mink, cats, rats, mice, stoats and the strangest thing of all a grass snake.... I was ferreting next to an old dung heap early one spring and i entered the fert in one hole and 2 seconds later out slithered this snake... I must admit it made me jump
  7. I agree with Mick.... I was thinking to myself why have you left it so long to do anything with her? To be honest at 8 months they should be loving retrieving, although they may not be perfect at it they should be coming back and delivering a dummy to you (but not cold or warm game). In my opinion you have actually made things harder for yourself.Firstly you need to establish that you are in control. Do this by making her sit when told, walk to heel when on the lead end to come back when called. As for retrieving start in an area where she cant get past you and throw a sock, ball or dummy no m
  8. I went out Monday night and froze my nads off..... I was supposed to go out tonight and bottled it Well done though mate.
  9. Its a bit late now....its in the freezer....although i did keep his fangs
  10. Hahaha dont you just hate it when that happens........ get yourself a dog.... Nice looking scenery though
  11. While we were out lamping the other night i spotted what i thought were a couple of Chinese Water Deer but because of the distance i could not be sure so i went out the following morning to see if i could find them. I parked my truck in the farm and started the hike aross the fields. Walked for what felt like a week and saw nothing but pheasant, partridge and woodcock. I got to the field where i spotted them and looked around but could find nothing. This was the same for the other fields in the vicinity, so questioning my sanity i gave it up as a bad job and presumed that i had spotted a munty
  12. I was out last night in Bedfordshire and saw on the fields 20+ birds and that was just doing the boundaries..... It looks like its going to be a good year
  13. Get yourself a shot fox and stake that out in a field......... Crows hate them and will come and mob it... Even more if you put a dead crow near the fox.
  14. There is one in the Bush Wear catalogue £60 and one in the John Norris catalogue £??
  15. Can anyone point me in the right direction for turret caps for a BSA Jaguar scope. I have contacted BSA but have not yet received a reply.
  16. Hannah...... You have a very gifted eye and your pictures are always a pleasure to look at..... well done
  17. Where are you mate?........ Sorry just read where you are....Im probably too fa from you
  18. Thats slightly worrying that you dont know what you are killing
  19. If you dont have faith in your vet then find another!!! If it is an abscess and you dont get it treated it will stop eating and can starve.... If its something more maligned like cancer then he will still be suffering a slow death.... Take him to a vet.
  20. I can send you the feathers if thats any good....
  21. They are really good shots...... I think they would look good on canvas
  22. Yeah, gastric bands.............. Hahaha i opened myself up for that one
  23. Do you have anything for fat blokes Ian???
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