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Everything posted by bird

  1. You know what she NEEDS
  2. Well just a few tip's then, kennel them seperate then, and [try] to take them out on there [own] if can do this.It will in the long term be better for you and them.
  3. Yep, with any working dog, you want it to bond to you. And when they [sleep,eat,plaly together] 24/7 they will start to bond to each other, and not you. I had 2 Bryn+brother, and thats what started to happen. So i sold his brother,and Bryn changed from that day. He as bonded 100% to me, i know people keep 2 pups on, and it might work. But it is 100 times [easier] with one.
  4. You wont go wrong with a 1x collie grey, good nose,good feet,+coat. Will be quick enough for rabbits, and 1x's are tough dogs that will face any cover to get a rabbit. Every1x collie grey ive had [male's] were brill in any thick cover, that you get in woodland. Ive had them when lamping , pull rabbits out of woods and bring back to field , they are spot on rabbit dogs and can do bigger stuff as well.
  5. Thanks John, got feckin heavy head, thank feck its just once a year
  6. Thanks Stu, and SC. Thanks lads, 25 years of lamping+mooching with good dogs+mates keep you fit+young
  7. It could be ok, just with [some] GSD they can have alot health probs[HD..........] . you might not get any, as its been bred down with other breeds. I read that police go out of the UK for GSD's now, as they not what they want in this country. So if you use a GSD, make sure its from good [lines].
  8. The is big differnce, from poaching a bit game[rabbits,few birds] to breaking into some feckers house with a knife,iron bar or with a feckin Gun. In his shoes we would [All] done the same thing
  9. Stabs is over there , give him a pm.
  10. Spot on, in the USA they give them money if shoot a burglar. Pity it dont happen here
  11. Spot on, pity there not more like him in the Game
  12. Like the bullxgreyxcolliexgrey , nice bitch that x got every thing you need in a dog.
  13. bring back hanging and deportation I say,scum like this make my blood boil! They deserve to be punnished. We can't even sleep sound in our beds in our own houses. ALL of these scum come from council estates and have thirty kids that they dont look after until they are old enough to start robbing We need something mate, they could have had gun's. They had knives+iron Bars, and they got past his 3 rotties, i dont know how but they did.
  14. Spot on. if he had phoned the cops , i think he would have got away with it.?
  15. On last night [itv 1] . The story of Tony Martin [Norfolk] who shot, and killed one Burglar and wounding the other. It was then+now, it is still a very [sensitive] subject even now. I think he done right, but as the programme said if he had if he had phoned the police , the same night it happend. The out come of the case, could have been very differnt,[as there was 17hours before the police was called.?? ] for him and the Burglars.
  16. hia mate good starter cant beat a cluson cb2 1 million cp pick em up new for a ton Great lamp, with a 12v 7amp / battery. You will get[ 2. 1/2] hours lamping, good on rabbits and PB good for foxes ,with a red filter. Still use one, dont need to light [ all] the field up.
  17. the lights on but nobody is in o
  18. Where ever she sleeps [Reduce] the size of the sleeping quarters. Most dogs wont piss where they sleep,so give it just enough room to get of its bed.?
  19. Yes go back to basics[ easy stuff= sit+stay] If you are having prob with recall, do it on the lead. What ever you do, make sure it does it ,but only train it for 5-10 mins twice day. All young dogs are differnt with there temp's, [Dont loose your cool] with it. Just take your time, all the pups from that litter will have differnt temps, some easy to train, and some little prats. It just the luck of the draw when you pick a pup, what ever the x Fact. Most can young dogs can try it on from [8months- 18months] just give it time
  20. If i was you get a pup, then you bring it up with the cats no prob's. If you go for a adult dog, you could have a prob, because you really wont know the temp of the dog.Even if the last owner say's its ok, unless you really no the dog, go for a pup.
  21. Great read , when over [50] mate , all them things come back to you. In the them days, i would go out 8 am ,and come back 8 pm. Have kick up the arse, when i got in. We used to build [Camps] ,they had to quite big as there was 6 in our gang. We used go[ scrum'in] apples , and that was our [dinner+tea] we were tough in them days . You are right mate, alot of the young'ns dont have the fun we had. My lad [22] loves football, ok he as done that since he was 8 years old. But when i tried to show him other [out-door-things] he was never interested unless it was just football. or he would go o
  22. I like the bitch pup, you should have good sport with her next season
  23. Have a good'un matey
  24. Maybe ?, but what ever lurcher xyou work people like him are making it harder to lift the Ban hunting with dogs. We all know you get wankers that should not own a feckin [gold fish] let alone lurcher what ever the x. Ive worked all types [colliexs,bullxs,bitzas,] and at the end of the day the all lurchers. He wants to Think before he opens mouth[type]
  25. i can understand land owners +keepers, if they get pricks coming on heavy with guns or what ever. But not all lurcher owners are the same,? and i have gone some times where i should'nt. And i have been pulled up, i dont give them Agro, i just keep mouth shut and walk off. I am not a kid, lets say i wont see 50 again now if any body shot my dog, that person would never be [Able] to hold a gun in his Damaged hands again [ not Bravado] Fact. because i dont want Agro with them, i know who would come of worse
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