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Covid Vaccine not to blame??

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If nuclear mate will be eating f**k all, if not anything from farm animals to insects and hedgerow veg not a problem, boat life’s great wish I’d done it years ago to be honest mate, makes you realise

Those of you who took the jab had your reasons...those of us who didn't,had our reasons...the truth will come out eventually and like the saying goes...make your bed...and you have to lay in it....tim

Self sufficient and ready to go at a moments notice, it’s been coming for years and the final stages are already in motion, just agreed a sale on my house which will be my final link to the real world

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17 minutes ago, Greyman said:

Scarily there has allegedly been a data breach in new Zealand that claims 17 million deaths from the vaccine and an alarming rise in cancer and heart problems in the young, sorry to say 

Just put that in mate lol watch the video loads about it 

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3 minutes ago, lurcherman 887 said:

All the deniers will be silent now 

Seems that way mate, not a great deal coming out about the success of the vaccines just more and more negatives, scary times for some, I never actually wanted to be right about my vax suspicions as it will affect many good people we all know and love, but it’s getting harder and harder to ignore the truth 

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1 minute ago, Greyman said:

Seems that way mate, not a great deal coming out about the success of the vaccines just more and more negatives, scary times for some, I never actually wanted to be right about my vax suspicions as it will affect many good people we all know and love, but it’s getting harder and harder to ignore the truth 

That’s the thing we all said all along, I have people friend’s extended family who had this jab so it’s definitely a touchy subject. 

my cousin for example he never took it but his 14 and 18 year old kids did, got to watch what you say about it cos there his kids but at the same time how f***ing stupid do you get ? Don’t take it yourself but let your kids ??? Madness. 

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4 hours ago, lurcherman 887 said:

That’s the thing we all said all along, I have people friend’s extended family who had this jab so it’s definitely a touchy subject. 

my cousin for example he never took it but his 14 and 18 year old kids did, got to watch what you say about it cos there his kids but at the same time how f***ing stupid do you get ? Don’t take it yourself but let your kids ??? Madness. 

I remember at the time a bloke telling me about how his 15 year old was having it.....you have to bite your tongue don't you. 

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