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your inllaws mother father

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how many on here get on with there parnters parents,and do you like spending time with them at xmas,me I don't really mind,but my mate and his wife are staying with uss for 4 days and I nearly ckoked on my drink when he said thanks jeff at least we don't have to visit the grim reapers at xmas day this year,i said you not like them he said cant stand either of them,must be a hard xmas being around people you don't like,

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I get on really well with her parents. ........ I've always got along with her dad but, before our daughter was born, we were all at a restaurant and, out of blue, her mum said to me 'I don't lik

hate my mother in law. got a list as lng as my arm of stuff she has done. mrs dont really like her but shes her mum so puts up with her. shes round for a few days with her new bloke over xmas and im o

my old man and stepmum pop over Xmas morning watch little uns open presents,don't talk to my mother, mother in law over for dinner,father in law a waste of space lol,be sat i his own piss..peace and q

my old man and stepmum pop over Xmas morning watch little uns open presents,don't talk to my mother, mother in law over for dinner,father in law a waste of space lol,be sat i his own piss..peace and quiet by 5 o'clock ,just the wife, myself and the little uns...just how I like it..show my face at local hunt on boxing day,watch their arses twitching?session on the river with the lads on 27th ,few drams and a good smoke?

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I get on really well with her parents.

........ I've always got along with her dad but, before our daughter was born, we were all at a restaurant and, out of blue, her mum said to me 'I don't like you' across the table, in front of everyone.

I just replied 'I couldn't give a monkeys, I'm not going out with you'. 


Then, a couple of years later, I caught her looking at my crotch while I had a towel round my waist :laugh:



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I get on well with my in laws they are both nice people in there 80s. Ain’t got either of my parents so I enjoy seeing the in laws, they will be over for a couple of hours to see the kids before going to the sister in laws for there dinner. We all use to have family dinner at the sister in laws, we haven’t bothered the last 2 years as we have our own family day now me the misses and the three little uns.

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Get on well with father in law 1st time I met him his first words to me where"your a big bugger arnt ya"i started laughing and said I beg your pardon he said I just mean your a big lad haha I've got on well with him ever since mother in law is sound just don't have much to do with her as can't stand her fella and she knows I'm not the sort to mince my words or pretend I like someone when I don't so just don't go when mrs does as I'd end up doing something he'd regret

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niceto get on but even if you don't, surely most can put up with eache other for 1 day a year for a couple of hours.my mate is one of the nicest lads you could meet his inlaws must be right a,se holes

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On my wedding night after a skinfull and a load of class A I had a boner like a scaffold tube.a few hrs in bed with the wife she said no more.

I then went into the next bedroom and jumped into bed with the mother in law who was with her husband.with my 3rd leg like a magic wand 

Breakfast was awkward that morning ?

So yea Xmas isn't the same lol

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