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Racist or just barmy

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When I was a kid, Robertson jam used to have different stickers on jars of marmalade with a golliwog sticker on them. there were loads of different ones. You sent them off and got back an enamel badge of the golliwog doing things such as playing golf or playing a musical instrument. Like this >>> https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Robertsons-Jam-badges-x-2-keep-fit-and-standard/273140918525?hash=item3f9877a8fd:g:mEUAAOSw6TRauPv1   Kids had golliwog dolls.  Nothing nasty was meant by these they were just toy things like Peter the rabbit or any other cartoon character of the time.  But now it could end up with quite serious consequences.  Total lunacy. what a load of nonsense.  I've still got a load of those golliwog badges along with loads of other badges of the time.  some must be quite rare now.  I'd better go and hunt them out and dig a hole and consign them to the deep.


Edited by Meece
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9 minutes ago, scothunter said:

I have a Golliwog somewhere. Boxed up when I moved

I've got a Golli doll at my mum's from when I was a kid .....think I will leave it there lol 

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Got 2 of them here, my eldest grandaughter used to love them as a baby/toddler before she emigrated to Aussie, she's 15 now. Her great grandparents bought them for her, but the mother didn't want to take them because of the racist 'undertones', even after I had explained to her the origins of the 'gollywog', she even took a sharp intake of breath when I referred to a Jap as a Jap, fcuking crazy cow.

I also have a small golly tattooed on my arm above my grandaughter's name, if it offends anyone... tough!


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I bet if they had a white doll in the window someone would scream racist that there wasn't a black one as well.

Talking of which, the new moneysupermarket advert with action man - why isn't there a black or chinese one? Outraged! 

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Still have a golly wog doll somewhere in the loft, he ain't offended no one in over 30 years of being up there, yet we had a road called black boys hill near me that was so offencive they changed it to whiteladies road road wtf is that all about, in my youth I went to school with all colour and creed of people, you were never judged on it, but if you were a dick you got a slap and I never heard the word racism until well after I had finished school, it's just another word for the libs to throw at people that disagree with them and nothing more, 

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2 hours ago, walshie said:

I bet if they had a white doll in the window someone would scream racist that there wasn't a black one as well.

Talking of which, the new moneysupermarket advert with action man - why isn't there a black or chinese one? Outraged! 

thats such a gay advert...lol....they even dance gay.....:laugh:

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me mum use to work at Robertsons in Manchester so ive got loads of them badges!

I found this when I was sorting some stuff out, started getting flashbacks! lol


I showed it to my kids who just started pi55ing them selves at how wrong it is and would I get in trouble for owning such a book!! wtf

most of the badges are fecked from shooting them when I was at school!! haha


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My granny had a full collection of these that we played with when we were kids, sat on a chair in the front room along with the the biro flour chap, I’ll have to ask my Mam what happened to them, I’ve never understood racism, it makes no difference to me who or what you are, a tw*t is a tw*t whatever the colour 

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