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Christmas Eve...

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I know there's some miserable Fuckers on here but I love Christmas Eve. My little girl is so excited. She's had a phone call off Santa today. Lol. Technology is brilliant. Can't put a price on that. S

Littleun just scattered reindeer food all over the front garden...     So that's me sorted for the night. I'm sat in the porch, lamp in one hand and beer in the other. Dogs at the ready.   Whe

I love the christmas feel today and tomrorw . Its what its all about . I can understand older people not being fussed with it if your not swamped with kids . My kids are 6 and 5 and in love with chris

Merry Christmas to desertbred....he gets some stick as we hold him responsible as the spokesman for Islam.


Merry Christmas to BGD. Most of us are polar opposites to him politically, yet he does provide a different view point.


Merry Christmas to the most knowledgeable group of lads on the net. Iv asked advice on everything from painting to funerals and your always there to help.


Iv got a book as an early present so as soon as this bacon joint is done I'm off to bed with my book and a Bailey's.

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i been busy,trying to hang a oak door in the dining room,pick kids up from various nights out.get logs in,get food in,turkey crown first time ever,fillet of beef,goose.gone to pub,barmen was knocking up cocktails for the girls,pizzas,crisps,parma hams got spoilt.home now chilling out

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Mulled wine drank, just having a drop of rum before the prezzies go under the tree and i nibble the carrot (fecking hell, that sounds like Elton John's perfect Christmas!!)


"Halleljah noel in heaven or hell, the Christmas we get we deserve..."


Merry Christmas THL'ers ;)

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I love the christmas feel today and tomrorw . Its what its all about . I can understand older people not being fussed with it if your not swamped with kids . My kids are 6 and 5 and in love with christmas so the whole last few days have been joyous . As with every big event , Christmas , Birthday , Going to visit cousins my little girl is ill today . It always happens . She gets so worked up happy and bouncy that she flakes when it comes and gets ill . This november was her 5th birthday and the first one she was well for . The others shes had earchache , sore throat , fever , anything she could catch she gets . Apparently i was exactly the same as a child . I do remember never making the christmas partys in primary school . Shes been calpol'd up and was ok going to bed . She didnt like the idea of santa going upstairs to give her stocking so ive told her i will stand at the bottom of the stairs and when santa turns up i will get her presents from him and take them up myself , shes so sweet. My boy is so excited that if i thought it was humanly possible for someone to explode from excited id be worried about him . They have been running around tidying their bedroom because " santa doesnt like untidy bedrooms"


Tomorow morning the kids will open their stockings , we'll go downstairs and pass the closed living room and have breakfast . My daughter and mrs will go off to check on the horse while me and the boy take the dogs down the field for a run . Back here for presents then off to mother in laws , then my parents , then home where friends are coming round .


This chriistmas ive finally come to the conclusion that having the kids as they are now wont last forever and im a bit twitchy about them getting older . my boss has been moaning about how his teenager kids just want "stuff" or cash these days and their no christmas spirit in his house any more . He said when they were young he just sort of coasted through christmas's and not taking the time to enjoy them and now the kids are older hes realised the look of joy on the kids faces and the racing usptairs to bed have gone . His mrs has taken on more shifts at her family cafe recently because theirs no real festive spirit because the kids are older she might aswell be working for more cash . Im going to absorb every bit of christmas with the kids . They still believe in the bearded man , theyve been checking out the santa tracker and mrs seen a picture on facebook of a dashcam nightime footage of reindeer . Im literally smiling as im typing this thinking back on the boys wideyed smile and expression . No present tomorow will match that look of validation on his face .


I am a grinch kind of guy . I love a moan about anything but christmas wont be one of them , yes its overpriced , yes its overhyped , crap tv , spent to much money , to commercial but the only reason i give a shit about it is that my kids love it and i'll be a moany bitch "mrs words" for the rest of the year . Every feeling i have for christmas is taken from the kids and until they stop giving a shit i wont stop


And no alcohol for me tonight as much as id like to . Mrs wont drink incase we have to take daughter in to hospital if her fever gets real bad at night so im forgoing beer for the night myself as much as it pains me

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Just been up the loft, fcking wife's forgot a bag of presents had to tell the kids I was helping Santa as he's stuck in the chimney cause of all the mince pies. Eldest laughing his head off at me and youngest wants to see the reindeers. (Great times!)

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Just been up the loft, fcking wife's forgot a bag of presents had to tell the kids I was helping Santa as he's stuck in the chimney cause of all the mince pies. Eldest laughing his head off at me and youngest wants to see the reindeers. (Great times!)


i dont envy the web of lies you will have to wieve to get out of that

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