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fourtrak73 last won the day on October 9 2016

fourtrak73 had the most liked content!

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1,334 Excellent

About fourtrak73

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    up the dales

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  1. Pictures from last year, stopped posting any new pictures now but yes doing really well I fill the freezer everytime we go out, will be lining the bitch this year with a very good well bred collie greyhound just waiting for her to break down
  2. lurchers are as good as any Labradors or spaniels good all rounders
  3. yes katchum that's the first dog of mine you ever seen run if you remember the longer the slip the better like to see them graft atb fourtrak
  4. I would give my left knacker to have this dog back bull collie greyhound
  5. now got 12 months mot on so going to keep it for a bit
  6. Thanks for all the interest all spoken for now atb fourtrak
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