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I used to go mad buying my kids any and everything i could get my hands on at Xmas till one day my boy turned round and said " dad why don't you get to know me instead of buying me all this shit i don

My kids belive in it all including jack frost my little girl come in this morning and said dad "jack frosts been" lol

the innocence of childhood should be sacred!

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Was gonna start a thread but how much do you lads give your kids each for xmas ? Ive done 400 each on them this year and its woth every penny when you see there little faces

I used to go mad buying my kids any and everything i could get my hands on at Xmas till one day my boy turned round and said " dad why don't you get to know me instead of buying me all this shit i dont even want "


Forget how much dough you do on your kids mate its the stuff thats free that really counts ;)


Lol look forward to when they say that mate, but surely every one spends on there kids on xmas and wondered whats the normal ammount to spend

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I spent many years in some shit hole all or other over the Christmas period and my kids reckoned that no amount of presents made up for me not being there ........

??? ovbiously the free things are whats best socks i know that.... but everyone does big money at christmas. Worked all year for it why the f**k not

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Was gonna start a thread but how much do you lads give your kids each for xmas ? Ive done 400 each on them this year and its woth every penny when you see there little faces

Money is irrelevant , spending time playing and being with the kids is far more important Imo ... I bet my 3 kids wont have 400 spent between them yet they still have a great time...


Aint irrelivant when the mrs and all her sisters out spending hundreds and shes got a bullseye in her pocket haha i thought i did well getting away with that



And all time in world get spent with em mate ?

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I spent many years in some shit hole all or other over the Christmas period and my kids reckoned that no amount of presents made up for me not being there ........

ovbiously the free things are whats best socks i know that.... but everyone does big money at christmas. Worked all year for it why the f**k not

Not knocking you fella we spent a fortune every year on the kids ....

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Haha, my kids are lucky that my wife is around.......they would have new wellies and a real tree jacket every year otherwise (which I understand is not the done thing for teenage daughters!! Lol).......she gets them to write their letter to Santa and makes it all appear and she is of course right.

Don't go overboard at all and I was proud as punch last year when my oldest sons list had all of two things on it......and not big things either.

He got a bit extra for that.


It better still now we have moved as we dont have grandparents bringing round piles of shit my kids don't need and basically soiling everything through over load.

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I spent many years in some shit hole all or other over the Christmas period and my kids reckoned that no amount of presents made up for me not being there ........

ovbiously the free things are whats best socks i know that.... but everyone does big money at christmas. Worked all year for it why the f**k not
Not knocking you fella we spent a fortune every year on the kids ....


Good stuff ,and they aint kids for ever are they ,have a good one this year ?

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Haha, my kids are lucky that my wife is around.......they would have new wellies and a real tree jacket every year otherwise (which I understand is not the done thing for teenage daughters!! Lol).......she gets them to write their letter to Santa and makes it all appear and she is of course right.

Don't go overboard at all and I was proud as punch last year when my oldest sons list had all of two things on it......and not big things either.

He got a bit extra for that.

It better still now we have moved as we dont have grandparents bringing round piles of shit my kids don't need and basically soiling everything through over load.

I sat through so many Christmas days watching my sisters kids open present after present, tossing it to one side & then eagerly await the next one, then the look of disdain when it was finally over....haha.It wasn't about what they had, but how much.

I'm hoping to try & keep a balance........I'd rather spread that money out over the year on doing different things. But we are all different with different budgets & ideas....

Edited by Accip74
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Depnds on what the money is needed for. I am not a fan of electrical stuff like Ipads or Xbox's for children...they rot the brain in my opinion.


My daughter wants a dog...it was a deal I made with her to move here....now I'm in a hole and they aren't cheap lol


EDIT: says me sat on my arse in front of a computer lol

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Fair play mate as they get older its harder they want the more exspensive stuff ,lol and the piles werent what they once were... little boys into chemistry stuff so weve bought a good few little sets exsploding volcanos all the little test tubes and little potions lol for him to make up... also these new excavation things were things are set into stone/plaster and they chip away at them to exspose coins or gems. Dinosaur bones ect. Very time consuming chipping away with a plastic chisel and hammer the kids enjoy it.

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