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I got two kids and we spend around £100-£150 on main gifts then stockings are around £30-£50 each

And we always give a set of new PJ'S on Christmas Eve

Giving new pjs xmas eve is a thing we do to lol
? yeah they love wearing them Christmas morning, nice warm fleese ones
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I used to go mad buying my kids any and everything i could get my hands on at Xmas till one day my boy turned round and said " dad why don't you get to know me instead of buying me all this shit i don

My kids belive in it all including jack frost my little girl come in this morning and said dad "jack frosts been" lol

the innocence of childhood should be sacred!

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Kids believing in Santa is what it is all about.

Been taking my two since they were about 4 to pick a tree in the woods , cut it and drag it back to the car. They are now just turning teenagers and still are mad keen on going out and finding the tree . It's become family tradition.

My mate up the road has two pre school age kids. He sprinkled deer droppings on shed roof and roof of his car last year and took them out first thing to show them where the reindeer had been hovering with the sleight !! You should have seen their face.

The magic of Christmas , you can't buy it.

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My daughter old school was run by lefties, they were always sending letters home with a list of activities you would like them to do....one of them was being taught about sex and relationships! I always wrong in massive big letters NO! That started from the age of 7 Sickos......What kind of relationships were they going to mention...it's ok to have two dads or two mums?

They like to start them young up here:


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My daughter old school was run by lefties, they were always sending letters home with a list of activities you would like them to do....one of them was being taught about sex and relationships! I always wrong in massive big letters NO! That started from the age of 7 Sickos......What kind of relationships were they going to mention...it's ok to have two dads or two mums?

They like to start them young up here:



FFS Words just won't come.... I am so angry with that I am speechless.



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My daughter old school was run by lefties, they were always sending letters home with a list of activities you would like them to do....one of them was being taught about sex and relationships! I always wrong in massive big letters NO! That started from the age of 7 Sickos......What kind of relationships were they going to mention...it's ok to have two dads or two mums?

They like to start them young up here:




Paedophilia is the next frontier of tolerance,give it 15 years here in England before there is another push to legalise it,a lot less in Scotland if you secede before then.

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My daughter old school was run by lefties, they were always sending letters home with a list of activities you would like them to do....one of them was being taught about sex and relationships! I always wrong in massive big letters NO! That started from the age of 7 Sickos......What kind of relationships were they going to mention...it's ok to have two dads or two mums?

They like to start them young up here:




Anyone does that with my kids they WILL be in a body bag the next day....


I'm as mild mannered as you can get but there is a limit to what I will accept....don't mess with my kids

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My daughter old school was run by lefties, they were always sending letters home with a list of activities you would like them to do....one of them was being taught about sex and relationships! I always wrong in massive big letters NO! That started from the age of 7 Sickos......What kind of relationships were they going to mention...it's ok to have two dads or two mums?

They like to start them young up here:



FFS Words just won't come.... I am so angry with that I am speechless.





look at that f**king bull dyke freak in the video....I'm boiling with rage. Is this actually happening?

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There's something very insidious in this desire to deprive kids of their childhood and innocence. Remove the nice ideas like Santa, then fill their heads with dykes and "gender identity." Deriving some sick pleasure in doing this is only a small step away from noncing in my book. These freaks have always wanted to ram their issues down other people's throats and now they decide kids need to hear it too. It's for no-one's benefit except their own self-importance.


There's plenty of time for adult matters - WHEN THEY ARE ADULTS.

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There's something very insidious in this desire to deprive kids of their childhood and innocence. Remove the nice ideas like Santa, then fill their heads with dykes and "gender identity." Deriving some sick pleasure in doing this is only a small step away from noncing in my book. These freaks have always wanted to ram their issues down other people's throats and now they decide kids need to hear it too. It's for no-one's benefit except their own self-importance.


There's plenty of time for adult matters - WHEN THEY ARE ADULTS.


Yep exactly. What is worse is the people actually believe what they're doing is a good thing. The idea that the state should interfere with what kids believe is what is destroying society.


In America there are cases where white kids are being taught that they are privileged because of their skin colour and should feel ashamed.


There was a program on CH4 (no surprises there) where they were teaching very young kids about sex etc, it is a form of abuse in my opinion.

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Sick of it. Everytime you change the channel faggots kissing or dykes tounging each other. This is at 5:30 in the evening with these pro queer c**ts channel 4. That causalty or holby city was on other day even queers on that now. Its 2016 its cool to be queer they say. Tell you one thing these next generations of kids coming up is gonna be full and i mean f***ing full of faggots dykes. Trans gender. And what ever else they cunger up ... and what do we all exspect they all been shown that men f***ing men is not just acceptable but some sort of status. I cant stand world we live in now with what medias doing to the kids. Dirty nonsey faggoty c**ts lot of them

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Sick of it. Everytime you change the channel faggots kissing or dykes tounging each other. This is at 5:30 in the evening with these pro queer c**ts channel 4. That causalty or holby city was on other day even queers on that now. Its 2016 its cool to be queer they say. Tell you one thing these next generations of kids coming up is gonna be full and i mean f***ing full of faggots dykes. Trans gender. And what ever else they cunger up ... and what do we all exspect they all been shown that men f***ing men is not just acceptable but some sort of status. I cant stand world we live in now with what medias doing to the kids. Dirty nonsey faggoty c**ts lot of them


Cultural Marxism when you read about it you can see this is something that was planned

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And its just something were going to have to accept remember its us that are wrong holding these stone age views. Theres some c**t up my boys primary school two twin boys one thinks hes a girl and the mother puts nickers on him instead of boxers or pants and yes he wears girls clothes and make up. Hes 5/6 how discusting "ohh hes always been a girl new it strait away" f***ing mental case that is ,the other brothers just normal kid. She also buys him all little girls stuff to play with dolls ect. Always wanted a girl she did .....c**t

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Only got to second page, but why cant we gove our kids both, time and gifts?? Work all year and if i cant soend it on kids, who the fook can i spend it on??


Lol i know its like if you spend alot of money on your young ones it suddenly means you dont know them and dont spend time with them or know there fave colour ?

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And its just something were going to have to accept remember its us that are wrong holding these stone age views. Theres some c**t up my boys primary school two twin boys one thinks hes a girl and the mother puts nickers on him instead of boxers or pants and yes he wears girls clothes and make up. Hes 5/6 how discusting "ohh hes always been a girl new it strait away" f***ing mental case that is ,the other brothers just normal kid. She also buys him all little girls stuff to play with dolls ect. Always wanted a girl she did .....c**t


That is child abuse plane and simple. The idea that someone can be born in the wrong body is utter bullshit, being transgender is a mental illness and many of them will admit it, it's not something to be encouraged as they lead miserable lives and have a high suicide rate even if they have their cock chopped off.


In America two dykes gave their son hormone pills to lower his testosterone at the age of 10 or 11.....should be thrown in jail

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