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What Muslims Learn In School

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but in reality you and me both know that a lot of muslim women would be killed for marrying out of there faith ,alibhai brown is also very outspoken for a muslim woman and thinks a lot about islam is in the dark ages ,not your typical muslim women

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For fcuk sake open your eyes and see what is going on People like you have made this country like it is today and that is fcuked

the journalist alibhai brown might have married a non muslim but you would not let your daughter marry a non muslim. rather hypercritical to give alibhai brown as an example of a muslim womens freedom

Chris you normally present a well thought out balanced argument but there is no way you can convince me that not every scouser is a thief lol ........

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I'm sure there are cases where it's real. But there's many more where you're watching propaganda footage, and even that is heavily edited and taken out of context.


If watch clips like this and it makes your piss boil, then congratulations you're part of their experiment. :)

Taken out of context lol that's what Islamic apologists always say , if you knew sharia law then you would know it was real.

A list compiled by Islamaphobes. Muslim women fighting alongside males in Syria but they are not allowed to talk to males who are not relatives LOL Muslim women are not allowed to drive cars yet even in Wahabi Saudia they fly commercial airliners and F17 fighter planes. Death to Muslim women who marry nom Muslims just two .examples George Cloonies Wife and THE female Muslim Joutnalist AliBhai Brown who is London based I could should I have the time to waste or the inclination refute every single statement on the list but as I get amusement from reading such knuckle draggers submissions crack on. LOL

the journalist alibhai brown might have married a non muslim but you would not let your daughter marry a non muslim. rather hypercritical to give alibhai brown as an example of a muslim womens freedom to marry who she likes when you don't afford your own daughters the same freedom

Cant you read English? some one stated that Muslim women who married Non Muslim males "would" be killed I gave two high profile names who have done just that and are still alive . Nothing to do with Me or my Daughter and what I do, now tell me how that makes me a Hypocrite you are really lacking in grey matter arent you just. clutching at straws go play with the Tyre.

Why wouldn't you let your daughter marry a non Muslim DB, I can understand you'd want her to marry a Muslim but why NOT a non Muslim if I couldn't be someone that's good for your daughter? No loaded question and I'm sure you've probs explained it before on here but I can't remember?

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I'm sure there are cases where it's real. But there's many more where you're watching propaganda footage, and even that is heavily edited and taken out of context.


If watch clips like this and it makes your piss boil, then congratulations you're part of their experiment. :)

Taken out of context lol that's what Islamic apologists always say , if you knew sharia law then you would know it was real.
A list compiled by Islamaphobes. Muslim women fighting alongside males in Syria but they are not allowed to talk to males who are not relatives LOL Muslim women are not allowed to drive cars yet even in Wahabi Saudia they fly commercial airliners and F17 fighter planes. Death to Muslim women who marry nom Muslims just two .examples George Cloonies Wife and THE female Muslim Joutnalist AliBhai Brown who is London based I could should I have the time to waste or the inclination refute every single statement on the list but as I get amusement from reading such knuckle draggers submissions crack on. LOL
the journalist alibhai brown might have married a non muslim but you would not let your daughter marry a non muslim. rather hypercritical to give alibhai brown as an example of a muslim womens freedom to marry who she likes when you don't afford your own daughters the same freedom
I bet if George clooneys wife went shopping down Iraq height street and the locals knew she was with a non Muslim they would kill her haha At


Wouldnt we all be killed just walking down an Iraqi high street :thumbs:

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

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If a Muslim says/ writes something that agrees with Mohammad and the Koran then it's Islamic, but if it doesn't then the Muslim either doesn't know his scriptures /he's been fed bull info and believes the religion of peace garbage or its taqiyya simple.


But you didn't really answer the question, though. Who is more qualified to correctly interpret the scriptures? The guy that read them his entire life, in Arabic. Or the guy that's done 40 minutes of intensive internet research?


Despite what DB's rebuttal could contain you're going to call it false, correct? He'll either be accused of misrepresentation, or taqiyya? That's if you even bother to read it?


No wrong.......But that the problem his interpretation may not be the same as the next Muslim or the next

Either what Bill Warner say is false or its a true interpretation believed by many Muslims.......not all


Which bit is wrong? I'm not understanding your response so I refer the honourable gentleman to the answer I gave earlier. Will you base the validity of his answer on your vast knowledge of islamic lore? Regardless of what is in his rebuttal will you 1) read it? 2) believe his response?


I'm going to go full Derek Acorah here and channel my spirit guide...




What's that, Sam?




He's going to side with Bill...


Bless you, Sam.


in most cases the simplest answer to the problem is usually the best


I see why you're a big fan of Donnie Trump!

a fan of trump because he's going to bring common sense back to the western world, and start getting rid of the lefty clubs you lot have set up to influence and enrich our multicultural lives with. But not one of your lefty leaders actually asked us if it's what we actually want, ya see no matter how psychic you think you'd are, you don't make decisions or think for every body else just what suits you lot best. Usually to enrich your own bank accounts at a cost to the rest of us
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What I dont get about any religion is you live your life in accordance to your faith and when you die you go to paradise\heaven or whatever you call it... Then what? Just sit around saying how great it is and don't get me wrong I love my old nan but fek spending the rest of eternity with her a afternoon was enough :laugh: so what's the point?

Edited by kanny
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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

But would you disown your children for being with someone of a different race?

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cant see why walshie ,if its allright for him to make the statement in previous posts surely it is allright for anyone to comment


You didn't see the post I removed. :thumbs:


I did and people have been banned for the same type of post. :hmm:



Edited by Tiercel
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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

But would you disown your children for being with someone of a different race?
No, of course not. My daughter will be her own person when she's grown up.


As long as she picks a good man that takes care of her and treats her with respect, I'll be happy. If not ..... people will find out what a nasty c**t I can be.

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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

But would you disown your children for being with someone of a different race?


The original post made it abundantly clear it was a religious and cultural issue and not anything to do with Race or colour. Yet because that didnt fit in with your agenda its an attempt by you to turn it into a Race issue.Which is abundantly clear.it is not.

Edited by desertbred
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What's wrong with wanting our daughters to marry someone of the same colour and culture?


I know black and asian fellas that want their daughters to marry their own.

I want grandkids one day that are the same culture and colour as me. There's nothing wrong with that.

I don't disagree with mixed relationships - each to their own.

What's wrong with wanting our own country filled with people of our culture and heritage?? Edited by DogFox123
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