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Total pish.

Dogs have been chasing cats for a very long time mate! Have a good night's sleep and get out with a few mates if possible and show your neighbour you are making an effort. This wasn't intentional, you

Morton how can I put it nicely do one you prick

Would your dog not of retrieved it if it had killed it? Hopefully its up a tree & will make its way home overnite or in morning. I would put some trellis on top of fence show nieghbour your making efforts so it doesnt happen again. Hope this situation has a good outcome bud. Atb

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Morton I thought the bitch was in a safe area a 6 ft fenced in area but I was wrong and yes I'll be up in the morning looking again, I'm only asking for advice on here as where I stand,

The dog would have led you to its kill?,if you had taken it into a kill? vicinity.Whilst you were looking for a teet to suckle,on the tinternet your best reward would have been aiding and assisting the disgruntled neighbour,far less rewarding perhaps,but,the thing a responsible dog owner,especially a cat chasing lurcher owner,may have wished to do,just to be seen as responsible and fecking concerned,i may not have been to concerned about the demise of a scraggy moggy,yet id have put on every pretext of concern possible,to diffuse the situation,then id have searched for longer than the neighbours,again possibly pretext,possibly because i may have been better equipped to find the source of the unsavoury outcome.If i was to find id grow a pair and face the consequences,which would have been a fecking disgruntled ex cat owner,such is the reality of life,to some responsible lurcher owners,that the neighbours don,t send xmas cards to,im not a crimbo fan,thus can do without their seasonal cheer.


Can you get me some of them drugs you are on please.

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Morton how can I put it nicely do one you prick

Not like that hahaha.


On a serious note I don't think you will get in trouble your word against theirs sort of thing but hopefully cat turns up unharmed. Nothing s bunch of flowers or crate of fosters won't sort out. Atb

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Dogs have been chasing cats for a very long time mate! Have a good night's sleep and get out with a few mates if possible and show your neighbour you are making an effort. This wasn't intentional, you didn't set the dog on it, pure accident which you have learnt from and have to put right so it doesn't happen again. Hopefully the cat will return fighting fit and then you can laugh about it ( not in front of the neighbour though). ATB hope it all works out for you

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that is not the attitude. We had a kitten in the yard few months ago so I popped it in the crate and handed it to the cats trust. Though I did use it as a training opportunity for what good it did me lol. But you have to try



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FFS any body would think the lad went roaming the streets with his dog purposely slipping it on old dears cats any lurcher man who aint had the odd incident with neighbours cats can count themselves lucky.

Many of us may have unintentionally upset the odd neighbour because of the unfortunate actions of our charges,often accidental.I take it for granted that you should have the common sense,decency and courage to manage these accidents in a manner that reflects well on the dog owner,as best as the situation allows.When you need to take more time on a computer bleating about the situation instead of dealing with it head on,then thats a fecking sad reflection on the moral stance that many lurcher owners now see as acceptable.Id have spent more time than the disgruntled neighbour seeking a resolution,id have been more concerned in the neighbours plight than logging into the web and id not have broadcast any of it on any forum.Im not a cat fan and have seen a few mutts wearing furry crash helmets,ive even fallen out with neighbours because of the accidental actions of my charges,yet walked away with the satisfaction that i conducted myself in the correct manner,well most of the time.

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Shit happens, if your dog has killed their cat, apologise because thats all you can do. Move on and forget about it, and if your dog now has a taste for pussy you have more trouble ahead trust me lol pussy causes nothing but trouble :thumbs:

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