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Anybody Have Any Knowledge On Employment Law

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I need some advice if possible, been dragged in by my line manager this afternoon and given a written warning for apparently standing around last Friday just before we knocked off. Been with the company 3 1/2 years and have never had one bit of trouble with them before this, great attendance record , no previous warnings for anything, so this has come out of the blue. Not just myself but 4 others were also given the same, at the end of my interview I was told I had to sign my written warning I asked if legally I was obliged to do this as I thought it was a load of nonsense and did,nt agree with it,my line manager said yes I legally had to sign it so I did but not before telling him I was,nt happy about it. We I need to know is did I legally have to sign it ?.

This warning lasts for 6 months, but the reason it was given was very vague...I have said to the manager to check the cctv cameras and he will see that none of us were standing around to any extent that would warrant a written warning.

Any help or advice would be really appreciated.


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That's not true, I run my own company, all my blokes are loyal, and they get just rewards for it, I lent one of them 5k to pay a debt off so he didn't get kicked out his home, -interest free, pay back

For the sake of £13 a month join the union, I am a rep for Unite, not only will you be represented at your place of work, you will receive a free telephone help line, free legal representation from nu

Right guys, time to stop the band wagon. Everyone is saying this company broke procedures or broke rules without knowing the companies procedures.   I think you will find, unfortunately, that there

thought you had to have two varble warnings first before a written ?

No , written warnings can be given at any time ...

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Doesn't sound right to me. I thought you had to be given written notice of your impending written warning and given the chance to take a person of your choice in as witness.


Unless things have changed....

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I was also under the impression that you were entitled to have someone with you if you wanted, I was,nt given this option and neither were the others.


That would suggest to me that they didn't follow due process, so the actual warning wasn't conducted properly, so IMO would be invalid.

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There is so much wrong with this disciplinary! What dose your company handbook say ? Is this a new or inexperienced manager ? We're you given notice of a disciplinary hearing ? Did you have time to compose a defence ? As a manager I would be sacked if did not follow procedure, if in any doubt call acas they will advise you fully, and you have been there over the two year threshold so if you are victimised because of challenging the decision you can sue for unfair dismissal ! Good luck

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They ain't followed due process methinks


Why did somebody simply stand and watch you standing about? I would be more concerned with a supervisor who simply allows workers too stand about without speaking too them


Ask too see there disciplinary procedures it usually includes three steps moude, and when you asked too go in too give statements etc yes you are allowed somebody with you usually union rep co worker or friend think you have too inform them if said person is a solicitor or has legal experience


Sounds like who ever pushed this through lacks the experience too deal with fully grown adults in a professional manner plus they obviously know little of employment law think they that would be of far more concern too the owners than a worker loafig five mins here n there

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Iv worked at the same place for the last 16 years never had any warnings then last year I bought a flapjack from the works canteen and took it to my car on my break on the way to my car across the car park I had a couple of bites like I had done for the past 2 years since the new car park was put there like a lot of the other people that work there any way back to the flapjack the security officer on that day decided to film me eating it across the car park and reported me to HR cut a long story short I ended up getting a final written warning for it and kicked out of the Christmas draw you get entered if you don't have a day off all year also you get £500 lost that as well, it says in the hand book no food to be taken out of the canteen, I couldn't do f**k all about it ??

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