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Drink Driving...

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Just like to add something, I was also caught on the same night. I blew over the limit in the police car but passed the test back at the station. If I told you what I drank and passed the test you wouldn't believe me.


Cmon, you can't make a statement like that and not spill.


About 8 cans of Stella and a big glass of JD, around 1 hour before getting pulled.

fookin hell and your mate drove , you should have got taxi :yes: i only have 2 pints of shandy if i drive, like said it s a bout 1 pint , if wanted good drink like you+ mate, leave the car at home . when i was younger drink got me in trouble done some soft and bad things, i was lucky to get away with it, but some times your luck will run out and you can ruin other people lives and your own, i was lucky i got older and learnt from it . :yes:


No that's what I'd drank when I got tested, failed at the scene but blew 19mg and 17mg at the station.


Fooking hell, if I drank the that much, I'd still be over the limit the next day....I have a friend who goes in for 4 quick ones most days, I don't get it.... Why not go on a good session now and again and be sick for a week after it,

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What ever he gets he deserves stupid cnut could of killed someone

they should just make the the limit zero no room for error or confusion then.

The one time it would of been actually useful to have height+weight in one of birds posts

Notice it's drink driving now and not drunk driving. Anyone 'drunk' should have the book thrown at them. But I personally think that loosing your license because you have a bawhair of alcohol in your system is ridiculous.

The limit is far too low.......I guarantee you that there are far more inexperienced or even elderly drivers on the road that are far more dangerous and they drive everyday up and down the country.

If only there was some kind of reflex test that could be done instead of the breathalyser.

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Dont think a higher limit it the answer a lad I went around thought he was been a smart ass when the barman asked him for his car keys and he took car one off and gave him the rest he went out got into his car and killed another friend not 6mths after he done the same thing only it was my brother this time luckily he wasn't killed I swear to god if I had got near him in the hospital that night id be locked up now just to add he got away with both time because he didn't get blood take within the first 3 hour in the hospital he only got done for dangerous driving the laws all f..ked up .

Edited by bob84
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Drink-driving is no laughing matter,but I once saw it come up in an interview with the actor Ryan Reynolds.



He called in at a local bar, stayed longer than he'd intended and had much more to drink than he should.

So, sensibly, he decided to leave his car behind and walk home. Unfortunately, as he was crossing a road, he was run over and injured.......


.......by a drunk driver !!

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Watched a TV programme a couple of years ago about drink driving where they tested a broad spectrum of people on a track after drinking different amounts.

There was one fella about 17/18 stone, he was given 3 1/2 pints of beer and was over twice the limit.

Tasty little young thing her 20's had 3 large glasses of wine, she should have been well over the limit but was well below the limit. The figures may be a tad different but they were enough to open my eyes to not taking just the 1 pint anymore.


I don't think you can accurately go by the 1 pint and your fine guide. I did but after that show I just don't bother. I go on the ratio of 3 units a pint so it takes 12 hrs to totally get rid of 4 pints.


The worst isn't drink driving but drink driving when you get even just a little tired as that just seriously multiplies the effect of the alcohol because chances are you'll not notice the tiredness.

It's not worth it just don't do it.

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I have what is called an "Irish Liver", on account of all my family hail from the Emerald Isle. It also means I can quaff many many Guinness on a night out, sing, fart and eat kebabs. But if I am working the next day, I don't touch the stuff.

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Drink-driving is no laughing matter,but I once saw it come up in an interview with the actor Ryan Reynolds.

He called in at a local bar, stayed longer than he'd intended and had much more to drink than he should.

So, sensibly, he decided to leave his car behind and walk home. Unfortunately, as he was crossing a road, he was run over and injured.......

.......by a drunk driver !!

Saw it on Top Gear in the week.


Cheers, D.

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Drink-driving is no laughing matter,but I once saw it come up in an interview with the actor Ryan Reynolds.

He called in at a local bar, stayed longer than he'd intended and had much more to drink than he should.

So, sensibly, he decided to leave his car behind and walk home. Unfortunately, as he was crossing a road, he was run over and injured.......

.......by a drunk driver !!

Saw it on Top Gear in the week.

Cheers, D.


Thanks D. Saw it a couple of years ago, but couldn't remember where......

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I have what is called an "Irish Liver", on account of all my family hail from the Emerald Isle. It also means I can quaff many many Guinness on a night out, sing, fart and eat kebabs. But if I am working the next day, I don't touch the stuff.

Those talents are not restricted to the Irish......

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Low drink driving limits are simply money making and pandering to the nanny state cry babies.


If they wanted to keep the roads safe they would tell every female between 17 and 30 that they can have a mobile phone OR a car, but not both.

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Drink-driving is no laughing matter,but I once saw it come up in an interview with the actor Ryan Reynolds.

He called in at a local bar, stayed longer than he'd intended and had much more to drink than he should.

So, sensibly, he decided to leave his car behind and walk home. Unfortunately, as he was crossing a road, he was run over and injured.......

.......by a drunk driver !!

Saw it on Top Gear in the week.

Cheers, D.

Thanks D. Saw it a couple of years ago, but couldn't remember where......

Was on Dave :D


Cheers, D.

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there should not be a drink drive limit any amount of alcohol in the system should be an atomatic jail sentence


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Before the reduced limits came in, Plenty of aul lads around my way would have 2 or 3 pints over the course of a couple of hours and drive home no hassles, probably safer than normal because they would be conciously "safe driving". Most of them don't bother now, not worth the hassle.

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By the way the person blew 62mg, just under twice over the limit. Anybody on here got experience with drink driving?

My brother got an 18 month ban and if I remember right a £1000 or £600 fine can't fully remember. But he deserved it and so does everyone else and the tw@ts who use a phone while driving.


He also did a course witch halved his ban.

Can you remember what he blew? I think he dropped on there tbh.

Not sure but I know he had, had a few brandys and been on Piss all day so I am guessing quite high, it was in 2004 so they might be a bit stricter now

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