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Did Or Does Anyone Make A Living Out Of Work There Lurchers

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I dare say many have tried and failed, walking the windy land night after night in winter trying to catch enough game to make ends meet would soon take it's toll, the only way to make a living that includes working a lurcher is if you are being paid as a pest controller, rather than from trying to sell your moody catch, though if you are being paid to clear rabbits etc, and have willing buyers then you could be looking at a far rosier existence

I've done it many times over and you need the outlet for large numbers when you get them in numbers, no use killing to leave them rotting or sat in the freezer for months on end, Plucky

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Back in the day,... Yes,..combined with the GIRO, plus utilising other, bits and pieces of naughtiness,..yes, you could definitely get by,..and I do mean, get by,..with the aid of a good lurcher...

Some nights we did more than one thing,,,start early on the fish,,then bag some bunnies,,,,on this night there was 3 of us,,,so not as much coin earned ....  

Hancock makes a living lol but on the reality of it is you may be able too make a little but unless you live directly in the spot were you can go out and catch 50 head of rabbits a day every day or at

There are professionals who use dogs to help them make their living but. Even the top echelon of Field Trial gundog types who are out picking up most days in the Season probably make more from selling pups,training other folks dogs,writing books and articles and even making DVDs than they do from working their animals.

Realistically I would think the same applies to many who claim to "Live off their lurchers".

I count myself lucky if my dogs and ferrets pay for the Christmas presents!

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I'm a builder by trade, and have had to provide for my family through some really bad times, when wages just dropped by more than half, or no work at all.


Like nans above, if ya sell them to the right people, you can get good money, ya just NEED plenty of customers.

Edited by slip lead
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I dare say many have tried and failed, walking the windy land night after night in winter trying to catch enough game to make ends meet would soon take it's toll, the only way to make a living that includes working a lurcher is if you are being paid as a pest controller, rather than from trying to sell your moody catch, though if you are being paid to clear rabbits etc, and have willing buyers then you could be looking at a far rosier existence

I've done it many times over and you need the outlet for large numbers when you get them in numbers, no use killing to leave them rotting or sat in the freezer for months on end, Plucky
I know large hauls can be achieved, but the question is can a living be made from working a lurcher ?, not in the real world, and certainly not in todays climate
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We never got £2.50 a pound for venison,,,not back then,,,,£1 a pound,,,was the going rate,,,,was getting £4.50 for a brace of birds,,,to a big international game dealers,,,,so they took any amount...we had a restaurant for the fish,,,,,


And would try to sell the venison carcas hole ,,,or half,,,but split long ways down the spine,,,cos very fecker wanted the back half...

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Just remembered the spaniel in the pic was called giro,,,lol


Good old maggi thatcher,,,,the end of the 80,s early 90,s ,,pits closing everywhere ,,I had worked for engineering company making mining equipment ,, just befor that pic,,, redundancy soon followed...

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Was a tuff time for sure,,I had just left school in 83,,,had a few factory jobs,,,got made redundant 5 times from then till 91,,,,,never worked in the pit myself,,nor me dad,,,grandad had,,,


Our village every man except one was on strike,,,,,police had to move him and his family out,,,his brother as well if my memory serves me right,,,there was some proper ding dongs with the cops from down south,,,,


Mind I don't need to tell you that ,,tatblisters,,,lol

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The funny old thing was all the things you can think off too make a living probably before my time but I do know the only reason for doing the stuff we did when we were younger was for beer money no matter how hard you worked when you were younger the wages were always piss poor that you had too suplment it with the other things you did it was always a ritual on on Thursday nights you would spend the whole wage on a night in in the pub then you would plan and scheme on making more money the next day at work too go too the pub on sat night

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