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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. is there not thing if you've done 15 years though your still intitled too some though Kay
  2. its not easy too qualify for that any more I damaged 2 vertebraes and 3 disks a while back there and they would not give me dla because I could still walk and was waiting for surgery I ended up living of 70 quid a week sick pay for a whole year I can't see the govermeant in power relaxing them laws either
  3. Iam kinda wishing I sorted it all out years ago we have got the people pension at work and it's never going too be enuf I was calculating the day I'll be 67 before I could even semi retire and that's even if I pull my finger out get my debts paid off and a house bought within 5 years wish I bought some mutual funds or something back when I was younger but it's trying to figure out were too put money the now too hopefully retire a little earlier then 70


    How many of use lads have got all your pensions sorted for retiring was looking at mine the other day and there really isn't that much there have any of use self invested for retirement and how did use get on how many pensions have use got
  5. They should adopt the Australian an nz system were any car that is taxed has insurance added too the tax for third party fire and theft it was like 100 dollars
  6. Really you not tried any of the big company's there screaming out for lads in this area mostly tramping work like
  7. Just passed last Friday still got the class 1 too sit or c+e or what ever they call it now but not till next year
  8. The shirts come up small so order a extra size maybe iam just getting fatter lol but it's k gear I've got the e motion stuff with the flexibelt my brother uses the rough tuff stuff I just find them too warm but it's k bit pricey for what it is though if iam honest but if your not paying its good
  9. I think it will be might not be -17 but think we might get some frost iam alrdy planning on buying a new paraffin heater and a quiet Gennie cos you know it's f***ing cold when the power goes out and the heating doesn't work but as for how cold no f****r can tell
  10. Try working in a long hallway go back too basics like puppy basics you got too get the dog interested in retrieving wether it's for reward Ie a treat or a fuss like make it a game make it fun not sure how long you've had the dog but keep at it it should come good with patience
  11. I use primewire for anything I want too watch just use the vodlocker and video me links they seem too work best
  12. A few lads round here all have cocker spaniels Francis Brooke's lines none of us have had any problems smart clever dogs no health problems good noses they do move at 100 miles an hour though and can be head strong but good all round dogs
  13. First thing I done when I was 18 was sighn up as organ doner don't see the point in keeping them if your dead
  14. Iphone 4 had mine since the day they came out never had a problem with it it can do everything that all the new iPhones can and is still a good size too fit in your pocket plus with a battery case I can get 2 days with out charging it up get it jail broke and it can do everything a android can do and more
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