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The Worst Person You've Took Lamping

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Yeh I'm with flyn on this one,,,took my mrs one night,,,never again,,,she pestered me to take here,,,but did nothing but bitch all night,,,I've never seen someone make it look so hard to climb a fence

I took a fella out a few years ago who had been asking me for a night out for ages ,he did nothing but moan , it was too cold ,too wet ,too muddy ,he was hungry ,he was tired ,the dog kept sniffing hi

Its got to be me only been lamping twice in my life funnily enough with the same lad and about a year ago. First time he said stick with me we went into the darkness he walked right into a flock of e

Used to lamp with the most noisy, impatient, stupid and selfish twat lol thought he could walk across stubble on a still night to get a slip on something a mile off....it was painful, if a fox didn't come steaming in at the very first squeak he'd get the hump and sulk while muttering stuff under his breath hahaha I almost miss it as it was comical, oh and he's scared of the dark so never went out alone and got the hump with me if I caught stuff when he wasn't there.

I wonder who that was lol
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Took a lad out ferreting and lamping on my permission every now and again for couple seasons. Only used him for his ferrets really. Anyways found out last week he's been going back asking for permission and even said he was there to get a few rabbits on behalf of me.

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:censored:That is not good Frankel,...but unfortunately,..it ain't uncommon... :yes:

his loss Phil, I won't ever work the fields with him again. I don't think he's the only one I've took though that's went back.

Call lads like that "boomerangs" haha

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c**ts trick that Frankel.

I've taken a good few lads on my permission, plus been in their permission too...

Would never go on each other's without them being there though, been asked to "look after" bits of permission which is more local to me than them, but still never ran it or ferreted, just the occasional day time walk to show face.

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That is a good attitude NewKid... :yes:

I was raised ,.never to tell anyone, anything,..about anything,... :laugh:


So,..any land that was productive, was always closely guarded,...we came, we conquered,..shut the door behind us, and left quietly...As you can guess,..we was freelancing,..and facts are, I had several decades of mouching, wherever salable game was.

I just didn't give a feck... :laugh:


However,.my attitude changed drastically, when I began to secure rights and permission to hunt,...then,..(for a short while at least), I became the world's worst and made it abundantly clear, to anyone who 'went back',.that there would be consequences.. :censored:


Nowadays,..although I have plenty of options,..I don't seem to matter to me quite as much,....and if a man does the dirty on me,..I don't get all Rambo and throw my coat off,...mostly because, by the time I struggle to actually get me coat off, I would be slapped and sat down onto my fat arse, :D

Today,..I just move on and put my bad choice of a hunting pal, down to experience....


An untrustworthy, using shyster, is best left to his own devices,....for me, such low-life vermin cease to exist... :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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There's a smallish group of us who hunt regularly together and I think share the same type of Morals Phil, as in anything in life if you have decent morals you tend to get given/shown a bit more..

As a youngster everything within 10 miles was permission, if we could walk to it we would hunt on it lol....

Now a lot of the lads I would go out with on those nights as a youngster were the worst I've been out with.. Lol

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Took a lad out ferreting and lamping on my permission every now and again for couple seasons. Only used him for his ferrets really. Anyways found out last week he's been going back asking for permission and even said he was there to get a few rabbits on behalf of me.

"Only used him for his ferrets really"._._._.Looks like he used you, like you used him mate.._._ :whistling:

But yes it is a c**ts trick

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