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I reckon more tory voters will go ukip than labour voters does voting ukip run a risk of having labour running the show? As much as i agree with ukip i would prefer conservative rather than labour.


as others have said its all aload of lies and bullshit they all say the same thing. They arent gonna come out with the truth they simply want votes. Rather putting faith in a party i think the best thing is to make as much money as you can. The wealthy seem less affected by all the shit they talk about so just try earn as much as you can.

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I hope you are right Brookie.....me i think we have gone beyond what we can come back from in this country......its too late in the day now but i truly believe we could have nipped all this in the bud

My thoughts exactly and if voting ukip makes me racist for wanting the British to keep our identity and my children to be proud of there routes instead of being taught to be ashamed.  Then I'm a raci

if voting changed anything it would be banned,,i just go fishing on voteing days ,

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Personally I cant win either way,if labour get in the immigration levels will continue to soar,if the tories get in we stand to have the disability allowance cut by at least a tonne a month,its bad enough as it is after the bedroom tax,i,ve said all along I would vote UKIP but to be honest its a wasted vote.....it will only end up tory or labour anyway.The SNP for me should have no say whatsoever outside Scotland,the woman clearly stated what she wanted was indipendance....so give it her why should she hold any sway over something she wishes to distance herself from.....baffling :hmm:

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snp will really hit labour hard......

But then Labour will just form a govt with the SNP and we will be royally up the creek without a paddle.


If that's the case I think I will pack work in move to Scotland and live off benifits that will be the best way to get on, that is if I can get a house before the flood gates are wedged open and all the houses are taken by EU migrants..

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Personally I cant win either way,if labour get in the immigration levels will continue to soar,if the tories get in we stand to have the disability allowance cut by at least a tonne a month,its bad enough as it is after the bedroom tax,i,ve said all along I would vote UKIP but to be honest its a wasted vote.....it will only end up tory or labour anyway.The SNP for me should have no say whatsoever outside Scotland,the woman clearly stated what she wanted was indipendance....so give it her why should she hold any sway over something she wishes to distance herself from.....baffling :hmm:

It will lead to their desired result independence


I think if they got any power it would drive a wedge between the two countries

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snp will really hit labour hard......

But then Labour will just form a govt with the SNP and we will be royally up the creek without a paddle.


If that's the case I think I will pack work in move to Scotland and live off benifits that will be the best way to get on, that is if I can get a house before the flood gates are wedged open and all the houses are taken by EU migrants..


Not neccesarily, I think the labour vote will be diluted in their usual strongholds of areas of scotland.

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I reckon more tory voters will go ukip than labour voters does voting ukip run a risk of having labour running the show? As much as i agree with ukip i would prefer conservative rather than labour.


as others have said its all aload of lies and bullshit they all say the same thing. They arent gonna come out with the truth they simply want votes. Rather putting faith in a party i think the best thing is to make as much money as you can. The wealthy seem less affected by all the shit they talk about so just try earn as much as you can.

While i agree it is the less wealthy people in society who obssess over politics theres a lot more to it than just money,what about our basic lifestyle thats being dictated to us,the people we share our lives with,simple rules & regs such as the hunting laws for example......no matter how wealthy you are you cant just ignore politics as it effects us all in one way or another.

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Farage speaks the language of the man on the street ,his stance on immigration and hunting is good enough for me ,As far as the hunting ban goes ,If its ever going to be over turned ,make no mistake its only farage who will do it ,

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I hope you are right Brookie.....me i think we have gone beyond what we can come back from in this country......its too late in the day now but i truly believe we could have nipped all this in the bud 20/30 years ago if more people had woken themselves up to what they was being told by the so called " far right " of the time...... the reality is they was absolutely correct in everything they predicted......everything that those far right groups of nasty horrible men predicted would happen if people didnt stand up for the country has happened yet most people didnt think it was all that important at the time and wrote them off as nutters !!...... yet now we are constantly hearing phrases like " its time we stood up for ourselves " or " we,ve had enough ".............well some of us had enough 20 - 30 years ago but no c**t paid any attention....now the horse has bolted us who were there willing to stand up 30 years ago are now being told we should get behind and support Farage the saviour !!......Part of me thinks we deserve all the shit we are getting now...... in my opinion society has changed far too much in terms of tolerance to now do what should of been done 30 years ago !

Edited by gnasher16
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I hope you are right Brookie.....me i think we have gone beyond what we can come back from in this country......its too late in the day now but i truly believe we could have nipped all this in the bud 20/30 years ago if more people had woken themselves up to what they was being told by the so called " far right " of the time...... the reality is they was absolutely correct in everything they predicted......everything that those far right groups of nasty horrible men predicted would happen if people didnt stand up for the country has happened yet most people didnt think it was all that important at the time and wrote them off as nutters !!...... yet now we are constantly hearing phrases like " its time we stood up for ourselves " or " we,ve had enough ".............well some of us had enough 20 - 30 years ago but no c**t paid any attention....now the horse has bolted us who were there willing to stand up 30 years ago are now being told we should get behind and support Farage the saviour !!......Part of me thinks we deserve all the shit we are getting now...... in my opinion society has changed far too much in terms of tolerance to now do what should of been done 30 years ago !

very true words gnash and im inclined to agree .i just see a glimmer of hope with ukip if not this election then most certainly next one ,if theres still time . that is ..to me we were f****d when the unions were crushed .because love em or hate them .they were the only voice the man on the street had .the unions of today are just puppets .this country wouldnt have been given away to johnny reb if we still had strong unions .im as far right as can be .im no racist .quite the opposite to be honest like yourself and loads on here ,ive got friends of all colours and creeds .well all creeds bar one .but the foreigner is destroying this country hes destroying our culture our christian values we are fast losing our identity ,and two successive governments are actively encouraging it and will encourage all the more with another term in office .that loony bitch on the box last night representing plaid cymru .shouting farage down and actually said she welcomes foreigners with aids coming here for treatment ffs and that other prick clegg saying without the tourists the nhs would collapse ..how the f**k aint these traitors put in a nut house is beyond me .yet people applaud em and actually vote for more of it .cameron has gone on record advocating a conservative muslim prime minister for this country after him .theres chukka for the labour party .total insanity yet people still defend these people and will vote for them .the e.u passing laws in this country making it a criminal offense for objecting to it .saying its a hate crime and or racist ,like you say gnash have we left it to long ,has the ice cream van gone ? il defo vote ukip now and always will from now on .and let that bitch from plaid knock my jigger :bye: on your bike mrs :laugh:

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