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Fieldsporthunter last won the day on September 18 2016

Fieldsporthunter had the most liked content!

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1,864 Excellent

About Fieldsporthunter

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Kielder forrest.

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  1. I use keepers mix, if you still have it, would be much appreciated. Atb
  2. every dog in pups breeding took to the sharp end, be ideal for any of you terrier lads. Or anyone that like a strong pacey dog. Be A Real up and at em type. Should make a canny all rounder. Sire was 5/8 grey 2/8 collie and 1/8 bull and beddy Dam was a very well bred greyhound from top honcho x sobbing sal x Honda black - I ran her for a season day and night, she put some gear to bed, could run and was cracking to watch. Grandmother on farthers side was 5/8 grey 2/8 bull 1/8 beddy - was a game bitch, excellent hunter, good finder, 100% marker, loved pheasants, could not work out if
  3. Was running a hilux, mint on fuel shit off road and hated anything wet, got a Isuzu trooper now good off road can pull a house down, rubbish on fuel.
  4. No way this can be for real lol ? http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/116909431/collie-cross-lurcher-puppy.html?link=%2Fclassifieds%2Fpets%2Fdogs%2Fall%2Fuk%2Fcollie%2Bgreyhound
  5. Wish I new the answer to best boots, can say Meindle most comfortable but leaking after 10 months.
  6. If anyone in northeast wants a kit out of decent working stuff, I have a couple Jill kits spare. Free.
  7. I have a few spare in north east, shame your so far away...... out of decent workers.
  8. Scran the petrol, but you won't get stuck. They go anywhere. I had a t reg for two seasons.
  9. Didn't the fire spread because there was funding for the flats and they where refurbished.
  10. Imo The dogs can not see properly with led lamps, they can be as bright and as clear as possible but at the end of the day the colour temp at the moment is not right.I was the biggest fan of leds and had one since the first came on the scene until I realised over two seasons what was going on and have now gone back to halogen. It will not be long before the lads that do a proper amount of lamping will have had the leds long enough to notice the same. The man that gets a warmer colour temp sorted with a dimmer will be onto a real winner atb.
  11. Do you mean battery bag or put battery in pocket
  12. LED are advancing all the time mate quick than they can make the lamps I look forward to when they make one with a dimmer and warmer temp light. The colour at the minute isn't right.
  13. May is a remainer I don't think she tried to win this election, she did her own thing, kept most of her party out of it and now she half getting her own way. She never once said she believes in Brexit, infact she refused too and imo she is a cukcoo in the nest. It's odd how the in -- out vote was pretty much 50/50 and now you can bet we will only get a one leg in one leg out brexit Keeping everyone 50% happy.
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