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Best Way To Deter Unwanted Visitors?

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Well I am moving in the next couple of weeks, to a 3 acre market garden in the arse end of nowhere. At the moment it is a right state, and consequently all and his neighbor think it ok to go and help themselves to scrap etc.

Got some big gates up now with a good chain and lock but.....

I was there the other day clearing up and getting ready fo the move when a flatbed pulls up and the driver starts to have a nose about. I went over and asked what he wanted.


he asked how long I was planning on living there, so I said forever.

He wanted to know if I was going to be there on my own, so i said no. Then the last thing he said before driving off was 'handy looking dog you got there'.


How do I best deter unwanted visitors? I am going to be there on me own a lot of the time. Yes my dog is handy, but I have to go to work and take the dog with me. I'm just worried about putting in a load of graft to have someone else nick it.


Any advice for me lads?

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Tell that to those who live in the country and make peoples' lives a misery with their thieving ways: knew a man who lived in a village for years, moved into open countryside, no close neighbours ...

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Maybe moving somewhere like that is not for you?........what's the enjoyment in living your life scared of being a crime victim?


If I felt like that I'd look for someplace you feel more secure.

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I'm not scared, just never done this before having always lived in a community where someone is always around to keep an eye on the place ;)

i just don't want my stuff nicked if there are a few measures i could take to put em off ;)

I have not idea if you live in a city or an urban area, but this urban mindset of "every f****r wants to do you over" is one of things you move to the country to leave behind......so leave it behind and take every day as it comes.


Wish you well ;)

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I'm not scared, just never done this before having always lived in a community where someone is always around to keep an eye on the place ;)

i just don't want my stuff nicked if there are a few measures i could take to put em off ;)

I have not idea if you live in a city or an urban area, but this urban mindset of "every f****r wants to do you over" is one of things you move to the country to leave behind......so leave it behind and take every day as it comes.


Wish you well ;)


Tell that to those who live in the country and make peoples' lives a misery with their thieving ways: knew a man who lived in a village for years, moved into open countryside, no close neighbours ... within a few weeks he'd had all his dogs stolen by certain folk who specialise in dog theft. You are just as vulnerable in the countryside as you are in a town, make no mistake: ask any farmer who is sick of having his stuff nicked.

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i would get a proper trained guard dog on a long chain near the gate , that will keep most from entering ,but if the plot is open you will allways get flybynite thieveing gits around , one farm i delivered straw to in the middle of nowhere had his full house furniture stolen while he was out , he has an alsation chained outside both front & back doors now

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Aussie cattle dog or a good old collie running loose will let you sleep soundly but a mouthy german shepard will let you know if someone is about and the travelling thieves don't usualy get out their pick ups when one is barking at their truck windows :thumbs: ,but you've lived on site long enough to know it can be bloody hard work when out on your own somewhere.Is this the old council market garden i've seen a few folk talking about that a few folk want to get going again to grow their own food or a personal project ? ,good luck what ever it is though Donna :victory: .

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