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Donna Wildwood

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About Donna Wildwood

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 07/10/1976

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  1. I couldn't work out why me goats and sheep were ALL standing round one tree. Turns out it's the only one with apples left on it, and they are eating the windfalls as they drop! I bet there won't be one left for the blackbirds come morning lol! Lost part of me stack pipe and the rabbits are hilarious to watch running around with ears streaming behind them. Free range French Lops and strong winds, better than any drug
  2. Oh and don't forget the dog! Hot water bottle and good company rolled into one
  3. I carry a baccy tin with the following in it; Dental floss and a large eyed needle (you can mend almost anything with dental floss, I've sewn up tears on a rucksack that is still going strong years later.) Couple of non applicator tampons.they make fab firelighters and come in their own plastic wrap. fishing line and hook. tick remover though probably not needed this time of year. H2O purifying tablets matches Couple of paracetamol or summat few plasters in case of blisters etc small tube of superglue I also write an 'incase of emergency' telephone number on the lid..... just in c
  4. ex hooligan,drug dealer and bouncer lol Dammit! I thought I'd kept that covered up... lol!
  5. Same old same old then eh? Lol! You lot do make me laugh! :D:D
  6. I think alot of people who keep dogs but don't raw feed forget what gums are supposed to look like... 90% of dogs I know who aren't raw fed have gum disease and are very pink/red when compared to my dog. Just a thought
  7. Gods I'm such a spanner, Broke me pooter and forgot how to log in lol! Anyhoo I'm back, what've I missed
  8. The second one is fantastic, I have me Dad's old copy. Alot of the places in it are his old stomping grounds were he learned the tricks of the same trade i cry everytime I read it, but it is by far my favourite book EVER
  9. I don't mind buying a brew for some of the 'regulars' in glastonbury, a few years back my mates dog ran off and we scoured everywhere. Went down the high street and seen this fella (someone i had bought tea for in the past) walking the same dog on an old belt. Now I admit I thought we were in for a row getting the dog back... Turns out every Tom Dick and Harry had said the dog was theirs but he wouldn't hand it over to anyone who couldn't tell him what was on the tag on the collar. My mate obviously could and got her dog back, offered him the reward she was offering but all he wanted was a
  10. But chickens boring what if you want a nice joint of beef or a drop of lamb ?.......... im just collecting evidence now Lamb will cost you £15+ for the joint alone Ye cant beat a bit of roast beef with horseradish sauce. Unless you rear your own on grass, then it cost £20 for a kill and cut. More lamb than even you lot could eat at one sitting lol! in fact I am having 3 done on mMonday, so if anyone wants to swap for some beef/pork/venison etc let me know As for wasting food, what you do with your food is up to you, but i think it is morally wrong to have something killed fo
  11. If nothing else they stop and make you think. People could do with trying a bit of that these days I reckon! lol! Personally I found them very interesting and well worth the watch.
  12. Never trust a dog with orange eyebrows
  13. Absolutely stunning! If it were a month's time, I would snatch your hand off for a dog pup! Do me a favour, let me know if there are any dogs left after the weekend
  14. theres pics here somewhere of em 8 weeks, but I ate/froze them once cooked without taking pics, sorry lol!
  15. Well I did it, I proccessed my 16 week old french lops. They dressed out at an average of 2.2lb each, which whilst isn't the most impressive i have heard of, they were reared on minimal pellets and foraged greens in a family group, in a free range colony. I made a vat of casserole, onions, garlic, new tatties and some thyme. Bit of milk for extra goodness. We had some for tea last night and it was the best ever. No gamey taste like you get with the wildies, but more flavour than chicken I have 6 pots in the freezer for the winter, ferts got the heads etc and my skins are in the tannining s
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