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Gazza Arested Again

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He cuts a pathetic figure now, sad to see...although no sadder to me than seeing the nick of any other jakey where it's all gone to ratsh!t because of the booze. I've got sympathy for Gascoigne and all alcoholics because to some extent I think it's in the DNA. Just born with with an 'addictive' gene. Bad luck really.

Bollocks! I have that gene, it's about self control and recognising that you have the ability to become a fucktard with the booze or anything else really :thumbs:
im the same mush, learnt to behave just over a year ago now
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My favourite memory of Gazza was when he turned up at the Raoul Moat saga, with fishing rod, a KFC and a few tinnies, to try end the siege. The man's a legend.

How many times can you try and help someone who is just bent on self destruction?   TC

Because in England we dont look after are own,every other f****r yes ,but not our own!!



He cuts a pathetic figure now, sad to see...although no sadder to me than seeing the nick of any other jakey where it's all gone to ratsh!t because of the booze. I've got sympathy for Gascoigne and all alcoholics because to some extent I think it's in the DNA. Just born with with an 'addictive' gene. Bad luck really.

Bollocks! I have that gene, it's about self control and recognising that you have the ability to become a fucktard with the booze or anything else really :thumbs:
im the same mush, learnt to behave just over a year ago now


Were you an alcoholic, or did you just drink a lot? There is a difference.


When I was in my mid-late twenties I probably drank on average 6 nights out of 7....always heavy, heavy sessions on the weekends. That's not unusual for a guy in his twenties..., many on here will have one the same. At no point would I say I was addicted to alcohol..., I was probably addicted to some extent to the socialising aspect, and I loved that 'sinking the first pint' feeling, but don't ever remember actually craving drink. An true alcoholic will, just like a junkie will crave smack.

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Really don't know but it's not just drink and drugs that you can get addicted to for me my heroin is getting a deal signed and money in the bank I seriously get a rush off it. Also extreme sports do it for me amongst other things lol and I have to stay away from bandits lol mugs game

Agree that there's more than drink & drugs you can get addicted to but.. making business deals the same as heroin in terms of addiction......sorry but that's just p!sh. Unless you're gonna tell me you'd rob your own granny or sell your ar$e in a bus station toilet to get your fix (seal a deal) then I'm not having that ;)

Edited by pesky1972
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He cuts a pathetic figure now, sad to see...although no sadder to me than seeing the nick of any other jakey where it's all gone to ratsh!t because of the booze. I've got sympathy for Gascoigne and all alcoholics because to some extent I think it's in the DNA. Just born with with an 'addictive' gene. Bad luck really.

Bollocks! I have that gene, it's about self control and recognising that you have the ability to become a fucktard with the booze or anything else really :thumbs:
im the same mush, learnt to behave just over a year ago now

Were you an alcoholic, or did you just drink a lot? There is a difference.


When I was in my mid-late twenties I probably drank on average 6 nights out of 7....always heavy, heavy sessions on the weekends. That's not unusual for a guy in his twenties..., many on here will have one the same. At no point would I say I was addicted to alcohol..., I was probably addicted to some extent to the socialising aspect, and I loved that 'sinking the first pint' feeling, but don't ever remember actually craving drink. An true alcoholic will, just like a junkie will crave smack.

No ha a drug problem
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He's a dead man walking...funny how our laws put drug dealers in jail but not the biggest dealers of death..ie the government who makes money of those with drink problems ...shame.but as said gazza had many chanses

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Drinking ' Smoking are two of the worst addictions

Prob more common and just as hard as smack to get off.

I had a taste for the drink and a party for a year or two

If you want to stop you will

Depends how strong you are mentally in my book

I got into doing a bit training and trying my hand with Greyhounds for something else to do.

I got addicted to those also ha

But it boils down to wanting to stop and channeling your energy into something else.

Unfortunately I just don't think Gazza is mentally strong enough.


I also blame Goverment for letting Supermarkets stack it high and sell it cheap


If I had my way I'd give public houses tax breaks and treble it in price on the high st


Public Houses create jobs

They are a institution

It's where adolescents learn the right way of their elders

Trouble is kept in house


Cheap supermarket drink does non of the above and kids learn fook all and cause mayhem.

if someone likes a drink at home and causes no one any grief which i quess is alot today why should they be punished because of a few and do you think that would stop a alcoholic :no:most kids will drink before going in a pub for the first time regardless of the price of drink but your right max pubs are taxed to heavy and has for learning from there elders i think most do and the parents dont give a feck has long as there out of there hair

Edited by blackmaggie
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Wonder what is that makes him drink? Reckon most addicts are weak minded and can't cope with something type thing myself. Just from addicts I've known anyway. I love a drink as much as anyone else but I don't have to have it. Ill probably not have a drink from now until Xmas week. Living with piss heads can put you off drink big time trust me lol.

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Most alcoholics say they just like a drink but don't need it

Them same people will drink to excess most days

If you need to take alcohol on a daily basis your dependant in my mind

I also believe nowadays most alcohol contains chemicals that were never present

40-50-60 years ago

Maybe even 30 yrs ago

This is why the hangovers are what they are

Ales' ect IMO used to feed you to a certain extent yrs ago

Not now

They fooking poisioning you and folk pay for the pleasure.

Not sure about that max, my old man used to have the most horrendous hangovers.......2 day affairs, laid up in bed, even a doctor out on a few occasions lol....this was 30+ years ago. Me on the other hand, I've barely had many at all....I just don't really get them, regardless of what I drink or the combination of drugs I've took with drink.....some people are just fcuking light weights mate lol....yeh blaming chemicals, that's a good one lol

Drinking is just shite for you full stop imo, cause's all kinds of problems, health wise & socially.....you been on the high street lately on a saturday night? It's fcuking hideous mate.....& it ain't supermarket booze causing that chaos either!

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so the demise of the pub is down to supermarket cheap booze nothing to do with the high taxes imposed on them and folk watching there pennys and max kids in general have got worst because of the way things are now parental skills in alot of kids are non existence local pubs arent what they once were max times change

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It fooking is

They stay in drinking from early afternoon till 9-10pm full of cheap supermarket booze before

Turning out already smashed

Apart from one or two establishments in Big Cities

I'd also revert back to 2 pm closing

We used to turn out. 6pm on a fri or sat night and be pissed by 2 pm

Now the retards don't turn out till 10pm and stay out till 5am

Cocaine has got a lot to do with that mate, how common was it when you was 18? Today it's part & parcel of a night out for many, easily got & much cheaper.......it's changed the face of the British high street in the last 20 years & red bull/vodka lol

You're right about drinking more before you go out, but I think that's a shift in culture & an attitude to what constitutes a good night out, most of the cocaine will be consumed during this time at home as well.......& by the time that mix hits the high street.....well you know the rest....

I remember my parents local boozer when I was very young......it had family nights once a month, parents getting pissed & kids running around going mad lol.....those days are over sadly, a shift in culture mate....not just taxes I'm afraid...

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I get you're point max & you're bang on about coke.......but how cheap is too cheap?

I've heard this argument before obviously, but never really got the numbers & how it will help......

Ok.. My example....when I first started hitting the pubs properly I was 17.....23 years ago.....we used to meet round my mates house first, early evening, drink a load of Kronenberg, do some speed.....hit the pub & cause fcuking mayhem lol

The price of the booze never came in to it really.......so how expensive do you have to make it? to stop that behaviour.....

The high streets have been offering cheap deals for a long time, but for me the saddest demise is the village pub, for ordinary folk.....a long way from main stream high street drinking......& night clubs will always exist, another hot spot for shite behaviour.....

Not arguing with you max, just trying to understand how it would work..

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