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Well i have done two wasp jobs today earlier then last year so here's for a bizzy summer on the wasps, bees seem to be on the move also talking to one or two lads that have had calls about them..

Edited by jack68
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No wasps as yet, but caught up about seven swarms so far, all really good size and healthy, we have filled all our hives so now need to go and buy a few more.

join thee club! I'm beginning to think this being a pest controller wont make me the quick buck I thought it would   what can I set up as next?

The majority of the bumble bees that people will call about are not white tail bumbles, but tree bumbles (Bombus Hypnorum) they are about half the size of a white tail (they also have a white tail) bu

Had a call out this afters. Wasps nest in the lawn. Lady of the house in a major flap. And there's me, trying my level damdest to just be retired!


F**k all there. Heard a buzzing. Saw a wasp in the kitchen. Slapped the red button!


I was explaining this to my mate, later. I said; " Yeah. We've even got a proper term for shit like this. .......... What the hell is it, now? ' Delusional parasiti .....'? 'Psychotic Parasitic ....'? F**k it. In this case? 'Paranoid, Delusional f**king German woman wasting my time!'.


F**king people!

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One of my customers had a wasp nest in the gable of a large Edwardian house. Called pest controller and he done the job with rods, that will be £130 notes please, that was 3 weeks ago they were back last week.



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was in a bird box with bumbles as well


Had a few calls for Bumble bees myself last year. My initial reaction; ‘should hope I’m never that f*****g desperate’.


But now I’ve been told, the Bumble bees I had call outs for (the big ones that look like a child would draw - black stripe, yellow stripe, black stripe, white stripe) are bees that people with orchards, glass houses, polly tunnels, etc buy-in and then let go to pollinate the crop.


So these ones are feral bees, invasives even – therefore (to my mind) a fair target for a puff of ficam. Is that true or not?

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Went out to bumble bees yesterday


There was about 20 flying round and round the front of the nest all young bees


This is something I wouldn't expect to see for another 4 or 5 weeks


The wasps haven't quite made a start yet


Hoping for a good year


Had a contract with the local council up till April the best year I had with them I did 1124 wasp nests


That was 3 or 4 years back May be even 5


I used to get between 600 and 800 a season in a normal season

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TC that pestie didnt get the Queen , £130.00 bloody hell i'd travel your way at that price lol.


Only wasp i done so far is 1 in my shed, bloody loads white tailed bumbles about thou

Edited by BRY
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TC that pestie didnt get the Queen , £130.00 bloody hell i'd travel your way at that price lol.


Only wasp i done so far is 1 in my shed, bloody loads white tailed bumbles about thou

Bry I had a nest done in my garden last year by a one man band £35 for cash £45 for cheque I paid cash. :laugh:



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The majority of the bumble bees that people will call about are not white tail bumbles, but tree bumbles (Bombus Hypnorum) they are about half the size of a white tail (they also have a white tail) but like to nest up high, hence why people phone saying they have a wasp nest in their roof. Relatively new to the UK, been here about 10 years.


Over the weekend i must have fielded about 70-80 calls for these.

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