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Pics Of My Mut Before Her 6 Mile Run Behind The Car And A Few From The Other Day Cheers

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when a young dog is out mooching for ten miles ect.its going at its own speed.

when it jogging its trying to keep up with you.its far from fully developed.so there for can do damage which could give it problems later on in life.it may not.but why take the risk.

instead of putting silly smileys with tounges sticking out why dont you listen to people know.

a pup needs nothing more then a good walk.for fittness and they will learn a lot more mooching in the fields then they will following a motor on hard tarmac jolting its young joints.now this is just my opinon .if you know better crack on.

iv said wat iv got to say it's a shame for it to be a slaggin match when I was sharing my happiness atb lads

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If the weather is like it is here. . . . . . it'd kill my dogs, and i'd like to think they are fit.   Edited to add - just seen you say it's early morning. It was still bloody hot here at 8am.   J

70 next birthday pal, out daily with my dog, summer n winter, shes a working dog, and i give her the work

It is great to read how proud and pleased that you are, with your new pal,...and I'm sure we all wish you well, for the future.   However,...it is a fact,. that lurchermen,...as a type,.. ....real

Cheers troter and iv said from the start every one different and IDEATION I just didn't like you sayin is it a yeah or no and I don't make threats not a kid like you have to get ya mate to sort your beef and if I didn't have my kids to think about I would wind your neck in for you and as for saying I don't like what people [bANNED TEXT] I haven't been rude to anyone else comments just your comment is that a yeah or no you speak to people how you want to be spoken to!!!!!!!


Wow. . . . you really ARE highly strung.


Threatening me? Because I asked. . . . 'Is that a yes or a no mate?', as I couldnt work it out from your answer - Not what I would deem rude. But it obviously hit a nerve, for that I apologise, it was not my intention :thumbs:


As for the other thing, you keep banging on about, I don't really think you know what you are talking about! Someone threatened to smash my teeth down my throat unnecessarily, over nothing. And I didn't respond. I later took my mates 5 year old to the toilet and the same person continued to act like an idiot, swearing at me etc, and being threatening in front of the child. Again I didn't react. When the father found this out. . . . . he decided to go and have a quiet word. End of.


I still have not got a clue who you are. . . . . .


Now can we leave it there, you have a nice young dog, and you obviously enjoy it. She is your dog and you can do what you like with her. Like has been said, I hope she brings you many years of happy hunting. :thumbs::bye:


It's too nice a day to be arguing on a computer.

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when a young dog is out mooching for ten miles ect.its going at its own speed.

when it jogging its trying to keep up with you.its far from fully developed.so there for can do damage which could give it problems later on in life.it may not.but why take the risk.

instead of putting silly smileys with tounges sticking out why dont you listen to people know.

a pup needs nothing more then a good walk.for fittness and they will learn a lot more mooching in the fields then they will following a motor on hard tarmac jolting its young joints.now this is just my opinon .if you know better crack on.

iv said wat iv got to say it's a shame for it to be a slaggin match when I was sharing my happiness atb lads


i dont mean to turn it into a slaggin match .just offering some advice.which i have learnt through my own mistakes.ever heard the saying to much to young..look moocher your out with you young dog.which is good..but jogging a young animal which isnt fully developed.on hard surfaces could

and i state could make its life in the field shorter.they learn and enjoy it more running and playing in the long grass.educating it as you go along..like i say just my opinon..hope the young pup turns out a belter for you..

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Good for you moo her I keep my dogs fit all year also there's an airdrome out side my house the dogs run in front of the jeep every mornin just about 2 miles though and take them for a good walk and a bit of summer hunting to feed the ferrets .your dog your rules atb thumbs

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Cheers haymin and snoopdog wasn't talkin about you and trust me my dog has very tight feet and strong and she is very healthy she went vets couple weeks ago again just for a general check up and weight and it's a vets that deal with working animals and farms vet said she is un perfect condition and trust lads my dogs health is everything to me not just fitness legs feet eyes coat so on

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:clapper:It is great to read how proud and pleased that you are, with your new pal,...and I'm sure we all wish you well, for the future. :yes:


However,...it is a fact,. that lurchermen,...as a type,.. :laugh: ....really are,..different....

We all walk our own paths,.and do what we fecking want,...that is what differentiates us from other field sports enthusiasts...


Fitness is essential for any working dog,..but we all go about the task,.. in different ways,... :thumbs:


All the best, Phil..

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This place is something else...whatever happened to 'each to their own'...I know one or two decent fellas who just don't post on here anymore...perhaps this is an example of why they choose not to... :yes:




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i trot mine but normally after 12month when i consider thier bones and joints strong enough.i also feed a pup as much as it wants up to about a yr old then start the conditioning.good to see you take pride in your dog.

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i trot mine but normally after 12month when i consider thier bones and joints strong enough.i also feed a pup as much as it wants up to about a yr old then start the conditioning.good to see you take pride in your dog.

totally agree with you :thumbs:

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I was always told to let the young dogs dictate how much exercise they can handle. Change in gait when exercised for long distances etc. Your dog looks well and you obviously look after it. Its your dog you know it so, Best of luck with your pup.

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Cheers for the comment lad and I don't need advise so it's not in one ear out the other!!! Iv learnt from my own mistakes

Your in a minority of one then,if you don,t need or heed advice,well done.

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