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and wile im on a rant


in there countries our religous beliefs are banned


our churches are bombed


yet they come here with there law


and you get some fecking numpty saying you shouldnt brand them all with the same brush...


thats why they are taking over



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tell him we are offended by muslims blowing up tube stations in OUR country , oh and tell him if he dont like it to FCUK OFF !!!!

Well in protest of the cheek of the c.unt ive changed my avatar to a very tasty looking pig on a spit!

Just return his pm with the most humiliating degrading and offensive volley of abuse you can think of..........................if he can get offended by a picture on an internet forum you might as wel

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So what we have here is a guy who see's something as possibly offensive to his belief system, who privately (and politely?) communicates his offense to the offender. The potential offender asks for an opinion as to whether the picture is of the prophet Mohammed or just a arabic/musilm looking guy. He didn't ask whether it was offensive, or whether it was the offendees right to be offended, but whether the picture was of Mohammed or not. And you guys spout pages and pages of hugely offensive hatred towards a religion that if any religious freedom activists were to see could result in charges being brought against individuals based on 'inciting religious hatred' laws. Can none of you see the irony here? This is a public forum don't forget and people have been arrested for far less.


Anyone has the right to be offended at anything, same as anyone has the right under the freedom of speech to say whatever they like. Doesn't mean we have to change what we think or say, but it does mean that people are allowed to have different beliefs and opinions. This guy could be white and English for all you guys know, some muslims are. Islam is a religion, not a race of people. Muslim believe that any pictoral representation of Mohammed to be deeply offensive. He has a right to be offended and to communicate that offense, the same as the OP has the right to have whatever avatar pic he likes and to leave it there.


Half of you on here just make yourself look like uneducated hateful morons whenever religion gets brought up.


I'm not defending or accusing anything about the original topic, it just saddens me that it got turned into something else entirely that is so very hateful and destructive.


For the record OP, I don't think the pic is of Mohammed.



Uneducated hateful morons? If you knew anything about these people then you'd know why the majority of white natives are so ready to say bad things about them.


It's you that's the uneducated moron!

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Nope, not a Muslim or at the Mosque. I totally agree Paulus, and neither am I defending the hateful and massively offensive crap spouted by Abu Hamza and his types. The pics on this thread of the folks with the anti-soldier placards are other disgusting messages are rightly to be abhorred. Was just pointing out that this thread had turned into a hateful tirade of it's own, which is just as bad, and nothing to do with what the original question was asking.


Free speech is both a beauty and a beast depending on which side of the picket line you are.




Speaking of irony, do you not think it's ironic that muslims in the UK are using free speech to spread hatred and will always pull the discrimination card to get their way, WHILST campaigning for sharia where they wouldn't have any right to free speech? Not every muslim is a terrorist, but every muslim is taught from birth that non-believers are sub-human and should not be friended, they are taught women are nothing more than property and worth half of a man. I could go on, but you should read a few passages from the koran before saying anything to defend them.


While on the subject, the old testament is full of the same shit so any Christians or Jews condemning muslims need to look at their own holy books and think about.


The flying spaghetti monster on the other hand is perfection, you get to drink beer, eat bacon sarnies and enjoy your life and their is 100% proof he exists if you have faith, ramen.

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There was


Nope, not a Muslim or at the Mosque. I totally agree Paulus, and neither am I defending the hateful and massively offensive crap spouted by Abu Hamza and his types. The pics on this thread of the folks with the anti-soldier placards are other disgusting messages are rightly to be abhorred. Was just pointing out that this thread had turned into a hateful tirade of it's own, which is just as bad, and nothing to do with what the original question was asking.


Free speech is both a beauty and a beast depending on which side of the picket line you are.



Speaking of irony, do you not think it's ironic that muslims in the UK are using free speech to spread hatred and will always pull the discrimination card to get their way, WHILST campaigning for sharia where they wouldn't have any right to free speech? Not every muslim is a terrorist, but every muslim is taught from birth that non-believers are sub-human and should not be friended, they are taught women are nothing more than property and worth half of a man. I could go on, but you should read a few passages from the koran before saying anything to defend them.


While on the subject, the old testament is full of the same shit so any Christians or Jews condemning muslims need to look at their own holy books and think about.


The flying spaghetti monster on the other hand is perfection, you get to drink beer, eat bacon sarnies and enjoy your life and their is 100% proof he exists if you have faith, ramen.

Remember Undercover mosque on channel 4 where there was video evidence of leading Muslim figures preach the most violent and hate filled diatribe I've ever heard, yet those mosques are still open and its still business as usual for them! The one black American Muslim who preaches in the Green lane mosque in Birmingham was even allowed on the news to try and defend the blatant hatred he was spreading amongst the listeners. The lies, deceit and the depths of dishonesty he went to were unbelievable!


Why is it when I strike up a conversation with a white person (and some times black people) the conversation always turns to how pakis are taking the piss and what a problem they are for the rest of us today?


It's as common as talking about football or moaning about the weather!

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There was


Nope, not a Muslim or at the Mosque. I totally agree Paulus, and neither am I defending the hateful and massively offensive crap spouted by Abu Hamza and his types. The pics on this thread of the folks with the anti-soldier placards are other disgusting messages are rightly to be abhorred. Was just pointing out that this thread had turned into a hateful tirade of it's own, which is just as bad, and nothing to do with what the original question was asking.


Free speech is both a beauty and a beast depending on which side of the picket line you are.



Speaking of irony, do you not think it's ironic that muslims in the UK are using free speech to spread hatred and will always pull the discrimination card to get their way, WHILST campaigning for sharia where they wouldn't have any right to free speech? Not every muslim is a terrorist, but every muslim is taught from birth that non-believers are sub-human and should not be friended, they are taught women are nothing more than property and worth half of a man. I could go on, but you should read a few passages from the koran before saying anything to defend them.


While on the subject, the old testament is full of the same shit so any Christians or Jews condemning muslims need to look at their own holy books and think about.


The flying spaghetti monster on the other hand is perfection, you get to drink beer, eat bacon sarnies and enjoy your life and their is 100% proof he exists if you have faith, ramen.

Remember Undercover mosque on channel 4 where there was video evidence of leading Muslim figures preach the most violent and hate filled diatribe I've ever heard, yet those mosques are still open and its still business as usual for them! The one black American Muslim who preaches in the Green lane mosque in Birmingham was even allowed on the news to try and defend the blatant hatred he was spreading amongst the listeners. The lies, deceit and the depths of dishonesty he went to were unbelievable!


Why is it when I strike up a conversation with a white person (and some times black people) the conversation always turns to how pakis are taking the piss and what a problem they are for the rest of us today?


It's as common as talking about football or moaning about the weather!

this is very true, sit on a bus, stand in a que, go anywhere and the converstaion will be the same, unless your watching tv or reading the papers :laugh:

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That's the problem , too many people like Jim , uneducated on the ways and beliefs off these Parasites , let them have there freedom off speech , Built The Terrorist Buildings . . Mosques I think they call them , and all off a sudden there takin an inch has become a Mile , 1 thing Jim imagine if I went on a Muslim forum and started askin members to remove certain things I found offensive do you Honestly believe 1 off that Shower would say I had a right to view my point through freedom off speech ?? The answer is NO MATE . As In Rome Jim ?

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I can understand people wanting to be polite and not wanting to offend but, the vast majority on none Muslims are thinking exactly the same when it comes to them so we can only say what the vast majority of us are thinking! What should we do lie? And become as devious and low as the most of them are?


f**k that! Most Pakis make me sick and I don't give a shite who knows it!

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There was


Nope, not a Muslim or at the Mosque. I totally agree Paulus, and neither am I defending the hateful and massively offensive crap spouted by Abu Hamza and his types. The pics on this thread of the folks with the anti-soldier placards are other disgusting messages are rightly to be abhorred. Was just pointing out that this thread had turned into a hateful tirade of it's own, which is just as bad, and nothing to do with what the original question was asking.


Free speech is both a beauty and a beast depending on which side of the picket line you are.



Speaking of irony, do you not think it's ironic that muslims in the UK are using free speech to spread hatred and will always pull the discrimination card to get their way, WHILST campaigning for sharia where they wouldn't have any right to free speech? Not every muslim is a terrorist, but every muslim is taught from birth that non-believers are sub-human and should not be friended, they are taught women are nothing more than property and worth half of a man. I could go on, but you should read a few passages from the koran before saying anything to defend them.


While on the subject, the old testament is full of the same shit so any Christians or Jews condemning muslims need to look at their own holy books and think about.


The flying spaghetti monster on the other hand is perfection, you get to drink beer, eat bacon sarnies and enjoy your life and their is 100% proof he exists if you have faith, ramen.

Remember Undercover mosque on channel 4 where there was video evidence of leading Muslim figures preach the most violent and hate filled diatribe I've ever heard, yet those mosques are still open and its still business as usual for them! The one black American Muslim who preaches in the Green lane mosque in Birmingham was even allowed on the news to try and defend the blatant hatred he was spreading amongst the listeners. The lies, deceit and the depths of dishonesty he went to were unbelievable!


Why is it when I strike up a conversation with a white person (and some times black people) the conversation always turns to how pakis are taking the piss and what a problem they are for the rest of us today?


It's as common as talking about football or moaning about the weather!


And yet society keeps giving them money. Not counting benefits but most people in general, we moan yes, in every pub, every work place and on every street yet if those moaners stopped spending money with them, in shops, takeaways, taxi, paper shops, petrol stations etc etc then we would really make a difference in a really short space of time. IF YOU DONT LIKE EM...DONT SPONSOR EM!!!!!!

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