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There's avery simple reason why the leaders of the edl and bnp make themselves look like wankers.......it's because they are wankers!   The left wing must love these clowns, they are a gift!!

I do say so, see I don't see why we should feel the need to dance round every f****r who is gay, black, crippled, white, left, right, liberal, poor, rich etc etc The whole world is in dire need of a

I got the feeling it all started from the Muslims disrupting the UK Soldiers Homecoming parade, spitting in the face of one of their wifes ect, so fair fuking play to them atleast they are making some

Anyone got it on?


Boiling my piss to a very high temperature this.


No, I was going to but I know if I watch it I'll burst a blood vessel and go to bed pissed off lol

Welcome to my world wish I had done that !!!!!


Mate I get threaders watching things that we have no control over, I've watched all the documentaries about race religion etc, the wife's banned me now as I honestly can't take it haha!

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Scottish arm were in St Enochs Sq Glasgow at the weekend,outnumbered 2 to 1 by trade unionists,students and other multi-cultural folk.Mostly Old Casuals looking for a Ruck...Nothing will change until the middle class applecart is shaken !,but the real threat non English speaking Whites,but they keep the price of labour down,so no action...Couple year back pointed out a Somalia run Cafe,was one for watching ,nothing done !This week, 10 Somalia Refugees 18 to 45 jail in a few raids Southside Glasgow,ther enterprise,bringing to the multicultural pot ....CRACK COCAINE ON THE PAVEMENT WHERE YOU LIVE !!! roll on the new age...

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Time for a ''Shite'' !!






































































































On the local mosque door step :laugh:

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That bloke summed up the entire reason why Sharia law doesn't have a place here. Didn't get his own way so slapped that EDL leader, Tommy, through a car window and did one.


You sir, are a coward and a mong.


Under their law i'm sure striking a leader would amount to a hand lopped off, or a bollock.

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There was a great EDL/BNP/NF poster boy on rudetube a few weeks ago:


Early 30's, skinhead, bomber jacket + jeans, swastika on his hand (no sh*t), talking about the ''muslimification'' that's going on, and how ''all Muslims should be stopped from entering the country to stop them muslimifying our children. They're taking all British jobs coz we want them but there's too many of them here so I can't even get a job''. Obviously the nazi tattoo had nothing to do with it...


I was pissing myself :laugh:

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Just watched that program.....what a f****n embarrassment watching a bunch of idiots running around like a school playground gang having the cheek to be waving the St George cross about !

There was a great EDL/BNP/NF poster boy on rudetube a few weeks ago:


Early 30's, skinhead, bomber jacket + jeans, swastika on his hand (no sh*t), talking about the ''muslimification'' that's going on, and how ''all Muslims should be stopped from entering the country to stop them muslimifying our children. They're taking all British jobs coz we want them but there's too many of them here so I can't even get a job''. Obviously the nazi tattoo had nothing to do with it...


I was pissing myself :laugh:


I watched most of it.


I got annoyed by the fundementalist muslims, and then by the idiots in the EDL. How do they expect to be taken seriously when they behave like that? Tommy Whatshisname made a complete dick of himself getting pissed like that and trying to get a reaction out of the coppers.


Those preaching race hate should be locked up or deported if they were born in a different country. Those morons doing the nazi salute and behaving like dicks should be birched in public.


I don't know which makes me more ashamed to be British; the mad muslims demanding sharia law or the chimpanzies in the EDL. Equal measures I think.

Edited by R. Docks
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Time for a ''Shite'' !!






































































































On the local mosque door step :laugh:


andrex or koran????

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Both sides completely embarass themselves the way they are portrayed. I did think it was a bias documentary though, it seemed to go out if its way to portray the EDL as being thugs without revealing too much about what the extremist muslims actually believe. In context, a few thugs kicking up a fuss is nothing to a similar number of Muslims who want to put women firmly in second place among other things. The only difference is the special treatment religion seems to receive in our society, that you can believe anything and it must be respected. Religion is the problem, not just the fundamentalists or just muslims, because there are many many christian terrorists blowing up abortion clinics and the like.

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